Sign Up/Sign Out of the App

Sign Up/Sign Out of the App

Sign Up with the Show App

Sign up with Zoho Show for free, and start viewing and delivering slides to your friends or colleagues at any time. You can sign up with either your email address or social media account.
1. Go to Settings   icon at the top-left corner, tap Sign In and then Sign Up at the bottom of your iOS screen. 

2. Enter the required sign up details including the Email address and Password for your account and tap Sign Up. 
You can also sign up using your Google, Yahoo, Facebook accounts or other social media accounts.

3. Once signed up, a verification link to activate your Zoho Show account will be sent to the registered Email address that you entered. 
Click the verification link to activate and continue using Zoho Show from any device. 
 The verification link will get deactivated after a period of "7 days". 

Sign Out of the Show App

Once you are done viewing and presenting your slides, you can sign out of the Show app.  
Tap the Settings icon at the top-left corner, then tap the arrow next to your profile picture and select Sign Out.

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