Signup form reports

Signup form reports

You can view the number of visitors who have submitted and confirmed their subscription. The following data is represented in the form of a doughnut chart:
  • Form Views - Number of visitors who have visited pages embedded with your signup form.
  • Submitted Leads - Number of leads who have submitted their data via your signup form but haven't confirmed their subscription yet.
  • Confirmed Leads - Number of leads who have confirmed their subscription and have been added as leads to your mailing list.
  • Button Views - Number of leads who have seen your signup button rather than the direct signup form.  

Top five signup locations 

This tells you where the majority of your signups come from by region/country. Location details can be useful for targeting your marketing campaigns at a specific locality. It also helps you segment your mailing lists much more precisely.

Recently confirmed leads

This is a list of recently confirmed leads for a particular signup form. This report lets you see the status of your new leads.

Add Tracking Text to Signup Form

You can add unique tracking text into your signup form to monitor a web page or blog. This helps you view reports based on the number of visits to a signup form page and analyze which page is has been visited the most.

This data is represented in the form of a doughnut chart.

Customize tracking text

To add tracking text in the signup form:

    1. Select Leads from the Navigation bar and choose Manage Lists.
    2. Select the desired mailing list.
    3. Click Signup Form Tools and select Forms.
    4. Select the desired signup form.
    5. In the Publish Options page, click Customize Tracking Text. A popup will appear.
    6. Click Add new text to enter a tracking name.
    7. Click Save to confirm.

Map Your Field

Once you create the tracking text, you can map it to a custom field in your mailing list. You can then create a segment to filter the subscribers coming from a particular web page/blog and send an email campaign to those subscribers. 

To map tracking text to a contact field:

    1. From the right side of the Tracking Code page, click Map tracking text to field.
    2. Select a Field Name from the dropdown menu.
    3. Click Save to confirm.

Track Signup Form on Facebook Page

You can track visitors that have subscribed through the signup form on your Facebook page.

  • Form Views - Number of visitors who have visited your signup form. 
    Submitted Subscribers - Number of subscribers who have submitted their data via signup form but haven't confirmed their subscription yet.
    Confirmed Subscribers - Number of subscribers who have confirmed their subscription and have been added as subscribers to mailing list.

Untracked Reports

Some marketers prefer to manually edit the signup form tracking code to embed in their webpage. In this case, the tracking text would not be entered in the signup form reports. 
For these cases, we provide these reports based on untracked signup forms:

  • Form Views - Number of visitors who have visited your signup form. 

  • Submitted Subscribers  - Number of subscribers who have submitted their data via signup form but haven't confirmed their subscription yet.

  • Confirmed Subscribers - Number of subscribers who have confirmed their subscription and have been added as subscribers to mailing list.

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