Slack for Zoho Recruit

Slack for Zoho Recruit


Zoho Recruit and Slack have teamed up for an integration that makes it easier to discuss hiring-related matters using direct messaging from within Recruit. There's no more need to go to the trouble of booking rooms, aligning schedules, and making other necessary arrangements for a face-to-face meeting.

With this integration you can: 
  1. Share records with users and channels in Slack to start a discussion. This includes all the modules that have a business card view (except for the Events module).
  2. Share a chart from a report or dashboard with users and channels in Slack.
  3. Share record notes to a user or a channel.
  4. Create an instant action associated to a workflow rule that can notify users or channel members in a team on Slack .
  5. Get reminders in Slack for all the activities in your Zoho Recruit calendar. 


Permission Required: Only Administrators can enable the Slack integration. 
Edition Required: Available for the Enterprise plan of both the Staffing Agency and Corporate HR editions of Zoho Recruit.

 Set up Slack Integration 

The user with the administrator profile needs to enable the integration first and add the team on Slack to Zoho Recruit. Data can be shared only to the users and channels in those teams.

To set up Slack integration

    1. Go to Setup > Marketplace > All Extensions and search for Slack and click it. The details about the extension will be available.

    2. Click Install.
    3. In the Slack integration page, click Add to Slack.
    4. In the pop-up, enter your team's Slack domain and click Continue. If you are already logged in to your team on Slack, it will be listed in the pop-up. You can select one and authorize to integrate it with Zoho Recruit.
    5. Specify the email address and password for the Slack domain and click Sign in.

    6. View the list of items that Zoho Recruit will be allowed to access in Slack and click Authorize.

Share a Record, Reports & Notes with your team on Slack 

You can share records with users and channels in Slack to start a discussion. This includes all the modules that have a business card view. You can also share a chart from a report or dashboard with users and channels in Slack.

To share a record with your team on Slack

    1. Click on a record you want to share.
    2. In the record detail's page, click  for more options and then click Share via Slack.
    3. In the pop-up, enter the following details:
      a. Enter a message that needs to be posted along with the business card view in Slack.
      b. Choose the Team on Slack from the drop-down list. Only teams the admin has added and you are part of will be listed.
      c. Choose if you want to Notify To Users or Channels.
      d. Based on the previous selection, choose the user/channel.
      e. Click Send.

To share a report with your team on Slack

    1. Click on a report you want to share. Only reports with charts can be shared.
    2. In the report's page, click Chart Options > Share via Slack.
    3. In the pop-up, enter the following details:
      a. Enter a message that needs to be posted along with the report.
      b. Choose the Team on Slack from the drop-down list. Only teams the admin has added and you are part of will be listed.
      c. Choose if you want to Notify To Users or Channels.
      d. Based on the previous selection, choose the user/channel.
      e. Click Send.

To share notes with your team on slack
  1. Go to the notes section of the Notes section of the record.
  2. Click the Slack icon.

  3. Choose with whom (user) or where (channel) you want yo share the note and click Send

Add Instant Action to Notify via Slack   

When workflow rules are triggered, instant actions are executed immediately. One such instant action is to notify users in a team on Slack. 

To add workflow instant action

    1. Go to Settings > Setup > Automation > Workflow Rules.
    2. On the Workflow Rules page, select a rule to which you want to add Slack notification as an instant action.
    3. Click InstantActions > Notify > via Slack.

    4. In the pop-up, enter the following details:
      a. Enter a message that needs to be posted as notification. 
      b. Choose the Team on Slack from the dropdown list. Only teams the admin has added and you are part of will be listed.
      c. Choose whom you want to Notify To (users or channels).
      d. Based on the previous selection, choose the user/channel.
      e. Click Save.

 Get Reminders for Your Activities   

This integration also lets you set up Slack reminders for events and calls scheduled in Zoho Recruit. You can get timely reminders for all the activities scheduled in your calendar.

To turn on reminders via Slack

    1. Go to Zoho Recruit's Calendar.
    2. Click Options > Preferences.
    3. In the Preferences pop-up, uncheck the "Turn off reminder via Slack" checkbox.
    4. Choose the team from the dropdown for which you want to turn on the reminder.
    5. Click Save.

 Delete a Team on Slack from Zoho Recruit   

On deletion, the team will be removed from the organization's Recruit account and none of the users from the team will be able to post to it via Zoho Recruit. Also, instant actions added in workflow rules will also be deleted.
Note: Only users with the Administrator profile can delete teams

To delete a team on Slack

    1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
    2. Go to Setup > Marketplace > All and click Installed tab. All your extensions will be displayed.
    3. Click Slack for Zoho Recruit. All the teams added by the administrator will be listed.
    4. Click on the Delete icon corresponding to the team on Slack that you want to delete.

 Slash Commands in Slack

You can use the following slash command to create, edit or fetch records from a module.


Slash Command


To fetch all records from a specific module

/zrecruit module [value]

/zrecruit candidates


To further narrow your search, you can specify criteria in the slash commands. There are two ways to narrow your search:

    1. Global search: Search for the value entered across Recruit
    Syntax: /zrecruit module_name search_word
    Example: /zrecruit candidates zylker
    This will bring up all records in Recruit that contain "Zylker".

    2. Module search: Narrow it further by looking for a record in a specific module based on criteria.
    Syntax: /zrecruit module_name [fieldlabel] comparator [value]
    Example: /zrecruit candidates [last name]=[watson]
    This will bring up all records from the candidates module whose last name is "Watson."

Here are the comparators supported for each field type:

Field Type

Comparators supported

Text field

  • starts with (or) begins with

  • ends with

  • is (or) =

  • contains

Number field

  • =

  • >

  • <

  • >=

  • <=

Boolean / Check box

  • is

  • =

(values specified can be true or false)


/zrecruit candidates [phone] starts with [555,234,912],[company] contains [zyl],[email] starts with [peter, smith],[company] is [zylker].


(phone starts with 555 or 234 or 912) and (company contains zyl or company is zylker) and (email starts with peter or smith).

Following is a table that contains a list of slash commands you can enter and their examples.


Slash Command


To fetch all records from a specific module

/zrecruit module [value]

/zrecruit candidates

To fetch a record with a defined field value

/zrecruit module [field]=[value]

/zrecruit candidates [last name]=[watson]

To fetch a record with multiple defined values

/zrecruit module [field1]=[value1] [field2]=[value2]

/zrecruit candidates [last name]=[watson] [candidate source]=[tradeshow]

To fetch a record within which the field value could be any of the values entered.

/zrecruit module [field]=[value1,value2,value3]

/zrecruit candidates [candidate source]=[webform, tradeshow, cold call]

To fetch a record in which the defined field starts with the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] starts with [value]

/zrecruit contacts [first name] starts with [james]

To fetch a record in which the defined field ends with the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] ends with [value]

/zrecruit contacts [last name] ends with [butler]

To fetch a record in which the defined field contains the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] contains [value]

/zrecruit clients [email] contains [onc]

To fetch a record in which the defined field is greater than the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] > [value]

/zrecruit candidates [annual revenue] > [50000]

To fetch a record in which the defined field is lesser than the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] < [value]

/zrecruit candidates [amount] < [20000]

To fetch a record in which the defined field is greater than/equal to the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] >= [value]

/zrecruit Job Openings [discount] >= [15]

To fetch a record in which the defined field is lesser than/equal to the mentioned value.

/zrecruit module [field] <=[value]

/zrecruit candidates [age] <= [40]

To fetch a record in which the defined field is true/false as mentioned in the criteria.

/zrecruit module [field] is [true/false]

/zrecruit Contacts [email opt out] is [true]

To create a new record in the specified module
/zrecruit +<module_name>
/zrecruit +Interviews

To enter a Slash command

  1. Go to the particular chat window where you wish to share info.
  2. In the message box, enter one of the commands seen above.
    /zrecruit +Interviews
  3. Once you enter the command, the Create Record pop up will be displayed.

  4. Enter all the required record information and click Create.
  5. The record will then be created & saved in your Zoho Recruit account.


  • The following is the list of field types that can be fetched using the slash commands in Slack.

  1. Single line
  2. Multi-line
  3. Email
  4. Pick list
  5. Multi-pick list
  6. Lookup
  7. Number fields
  • The name of the module has to be in the plural form. Example: "candidates", "contacts", "clients". The singular form of the module name is not supported in Slash commands.

  • All comparators are case-insensitive.

  • The slash command search can be made for four modules: Candidates, Contacts, Clients, Interviews, and Job Openings.

  • Users can search for a record based on a maximum of five fields.

  • Only 10 results will be shown.

  • Salutation, date, and datetime fields are not available for search.

  • Maximum values that can be searched against a field is 10.

Deactivate the Slack Integration

You can deactivate the entire integration by clicking on the Deactivate link. On deactivating, all the options in Zoho Recruit to share via Slack will no longer be available.

Note: Only users with the Administrator profile can deactivate the extension.

To deactivate the Slack integration

    1. Log in to Zoho Recruit with Administrator privileges.
    2. Go to Setup > Marketplace > All and click Installed tab. All your extensions will be displayed.
    3. Click the Uninstall button under Slack.

You can also deactivate by clicking Marketplace > Slack for Zoho Recruit > Deactivate.

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