Snap Objects to Grids and Guides

Snap Objects to Grids and Guides

Presentations may contain various slide objects such as pictures, shapes, text boxes, and flowcharts. Aligning these objects manually and precisely can be a bit tedious. With the Snap To feature in Zoho Show, you can move, arrange, or adjust objects, both symmetrically as well as in relation to other objects on the slide, with less effort. The grids and guide lines are useful for accurate placements of elements without any overlap at intersections. They are neither visible in a slide show nor do they get printed in a document.

Snap/align objects to guide lines

Guidelines are the red-dotted horizontal and vertical lines that intersects in the middle of the slide. They help you to align text boxes, graphics, and other objects precisely at a consistent area or line on every slide. Unlike grids, guide lines can be manually re-positioned on a slide.

To snap/align objects to guide lines,
1. Click the Snap To  in the bottom bar and check the Guides checkbox.
You will see the red-dotted horizontal and vertical lines that intersects in the middle of the slide

2. Place and align your text or other objects precisely at a consistent area or line on every slide.
If required, you can move the guidelines at a required position, to do this, place the cursor on a guide line, then click and drag. When the guide lines are dragged, a pixel measurement appears beside the pointer to show you where exactly the lines are positioned on the slide. 

Snap/align objects to grids 

Grids are a set of static horizontal and vertical lines with several intersection points that appear when you enable them on the slide. They can be used to accurately place or position the objects to bring out the visual feel on a slide. With grids you can drag and resize the slide objects to the exactly required size or shape.

To snap/align objects to grid lines
1. Click on the Snap To  in the bottom bar and check the Grids checkbox.
You will see a set of horizontal and vertical lines with several intersection points on the slide.

2. Next, drag the object to align towards the grid lines
The object will automatically snap to the nearest anchor points.

Snap/align objects in relation to other slide objects

Aligning objects gets easier and faster with smart guides. Smart guides appear when you try to position, resize, and align slide objects in relation to other objects on the slide. 

To snap/align slide elements using object lines,
Click the Snap To  in the bottom bar and check the Objects checkbox.

The following examples demonstrate how you can interact with the smart guides to resize, distribute, and reposition objects in relation to one another: 
  • Resize slide objects
    To resize an object to match with the size of other objects on the slide, drag the corner handles (left, right, top, or bottom) of the shape/picture/any object to the required size. The smart guides(black dotted lines) will appear once the shape is resized to match the size of object on the slide.

  • Align/distribute slide objects
    To evenly space every object on the slide, drag the shapes/pictures/text boxes closer to each other. Small arrows(red-line) will appear between the chosen object to indicate that the edges of objects are precisely aligned and evenly spaced. 

  • Reposition slide objects
    o reposition the pentagon so that the top positions of both the shapes match, drag the pentagon placed at the lower edge of the slide upwards until you see the smart guides (black-dotted lines) appear on the slide. The smart guides appear once you reach the required position and when it matches with the other slide objects.

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