Sort leads

Sort leads

To sort leads:
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Leads and select All leads
  2. Click on Sort icon present next to Email address checkbox. 
  3. Choose how you want to sort (ascending or descending) the leads. 

Move do-not-mail contacts to active list

You can retrieve/reactivate leads that were moved to do-not-mail registry by you.

To reactivate leads that were moved to do-not-mail registry:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Leads and select All leads
  2. In All leads page, you can find the filter icon present on top-right corner of the leads tab. 
  3. Click the Filter icon and do the following: 
    • Choose Views to select Do-not-mail leads.
    • Choose Moved by Me
  4. Click Apply.
  5. This will list down the leads moved to do-not-mail registry by you.
  6. Select the email address, you wish to reactivate.
  7. Click on Reactivate leads icon present on left-corner of the screen. 

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