Standard Merge Fields

Standard Merge Fields

The following are the standard merge fields that can be used in templates in order to retrieve relevant data.

Inventory Template Tags

While creating a template, you can use various tags from Users, Organization, Accounts, Contacts, Potentials, Vendors, Quotes, Sales Orders, Invoices, and Purchase Orders modules. 

List of User Fields:

Field NameTagDescriptionData Type
First Name${User.First Name}Specify the first name of the user.Text box
Last Name${User.Last.Name}Specify the last name of the user. This field is a mandatory field.Text box
Email${User.Email}Specify the official E-mail ID of the user. This is a mandatory field.URL
Phone${User.Phone}Specify the official phone number of the user.Pick list
Mobile${Mobile}Specify the mobile phone number of the user.Text box, integer value
Fax${User.Fax}Specify the FAX number of the user.Text box
Street${User.Street}Specify the primary address of the Zoho CRM user.Text box
City${User.City}Specify the name of the city where the user lives.Text box
State${User.State}Specify the name of the state where the user lives.Text box
Zip${User.Zip Code}Specify the postal code of the user's address.Text box, integer value
Country${User.Country}Specify the name of the user's country.Text box
Signature${User.Signature}Specify the signature of the sender where needed.Text box
User Role${User.Role}Specify the role of the user where needed.Text box
Merge fields pertaining to the users in your CRM account can be included in your template for the following system defined attributes as well:
  1. Created by
  2. Modified by
  3. Record Owner
For example, ${Lookup:Created By.First Name} merge field displays the First Name of the CRM user who created the record.

List of Organization-Related Tags:

Field NameTagDescriptionData Type
Name${Organization.Organization Name}Specify your company name.Text box
Phone${Organization.Phone}Specify the official phone number of your company.Text box
Mobile${Organization.Mobile}Specify the mobile number of your company.Text box
Fax${Organization.Fax}Specify the FAX number of your company.Text box
Website URL${Organization.Website}Specify your company Website URL.URL
Street${Organization.Street}Specify the primary address of your company.Text box
City${Organization.City}Specify the city in which your company is located.Text box
State${Organization.State}Specify the state in which your company is located.Text box
Postal Code${Organization.Zip Code}Specify the postal code of your company address.Text box
Country${Organization.Country}Specify the name of the country in which your company headquarters is located.Text box
Company Logo${companyLogo}Upload your company logo, which can be used as header in your quotes, orders, and invoices similar to letterhead. Maximum allowed size 188 x 80 px.Browse Image
Description${Organization.Organization Description}Specify your company information.Text Area
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