Supported File Formats

Supported File Formats

The following file formats are supported by various Zoho Services.​

Zoho Writer
  • doc - Microsoft Word Document
  • docx - Microsoft Word Document 2010+
  • rtf - Rich Text Format
  • odt - OpenDocument Text
  • htm - Hyper Text Markup
  • html - Hyper Text Markup Language
  • txt - Plain Text Document​
Zoho Sheet​
  • xls - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
  • xlsx - Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet 2010+
  • ods - OpenOffice Open Document Spreadsheet
  • csv - Comma Separated Values
  • tsv - Tab Separated Values​
Zoho Show
  • ppt - Microsoft PowerPoint
  • pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint 2010+
  • pps - PowerPoint Slideshow
  • ppsx - PowerPoint Slideshow 2010+
  • odp - OpenOffice Open Document Presentation
  • sxi - Presentation File
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