Sync leads from Google

Sync leads from Google

Zoho MarketingHub enables you to import contacts from Google Contacts. Google Contacts are the contacts associated to your Gmail account. All you have to do is integrate your Zoho MarketingHub account with Google and create a sync. Then contacts in your Google Contacts will be automatically imported as subscribers into your Zoho MarketingHub account.

Create sync

1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and click on Sync services.

2. Click on New sync under Google.

3. Enter the following details,

  • Sync name - This is for your reference.
  • Google group - Select from which Google group you want to import contacts. The options may differ according to how you have classified contacts in your Google account.
  • Sync to - Choose the mailing list into which you want to import the contacts.

4. Click Next.

Sync detail view

1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and click on Sync services.

2. Click on Active syncs under Google.

3. Hover over the sync and click View details.

You can view sync details like mapped list, and last retrieval time; subscriber details like number of newly added, re-added, duplicate and deleted subscribers. You can click on the Refresh icon available to know the status of import. The sync remains active till the completion of subscriber import.

Import details/history

Use this option to get a detailed history of the subscribers synced from Google Contacts to Zoho MarketingHub. You can see this in the detailed view of the sync.

Total Leads
 Leads imported/synced in a single fetch.
New leads
Leads added to the MarketingHub org.
Re-added leads
 Leads already deleted in MarketingHub account but now added again.
Duplicate leads
Leads already present in MarketingHub account.
 Ignored leads
 Leads are not added to the mailing list.
 Deleted leads
 Leads deleted in Google account and getting updated in MarketingHub as well.

Do more with sync services

To import documents from Google Drive, click here.

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