Sync leads from Zendesk

Sync leads from Zendesk

Zoho MarketingHub enables you to import end users from Zendesk as contacts. You can import verified and unverified emails from your account. There are options to import end-users from specific organization or tags. 

There are two steps to sync your Zendesk with Zoho MarketingHub,

  1. Enter Sync details covering which contacts you want to import and configure your sync period.

  2. Map Zendesk fields with MarketingHub fields.


 Sync Details 

1. From the Navigation bar, click Leads and select Sync services. 

2. Navigate to Zendesk sync setup and click New sync.

3. Click Create Sync button.

4. Choose from the following options,

  • All contacts: This option will import all verified or unverified email addresses from your Zendesk account.

  • Organization: This option will import end-users from all organizations under your account. 

  • Tags: This option will import end-users from a specific tag of your Zendesk account.

5. Enter the following details in sync details page,

a. Sync name: A name for your identification.
b. Choose if you want to import only verified emails or both verified and non-verified emails.
c. Sync to: Choose a mailing list.
d. Select a sync frequency:
  1. Retrieve data: One-time import of customer details.
  2. Sync frequency: Set the import to recur on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  3. Set the sync time: Choose your preferred time and time zone to import contacts.
e. Select the data to be retrieved:
  1. All data: Imports all customers from Zendesk .
  2. After: Imports only customers that have been added after the specified date and time.
5. Click Next.


When you're creating a sync for Organization module, then you can choose all organizations or a specific organization.

When you're creating a sync for Tags module, then you can choose a tag fetched from your Zendesk organization.

 Field Mapping 

You can map your Zendesk fields to Zoho MarketingHub fields in this section. Basic details such as email address, and last name are pre-mapped. Mapping the email address field is mandatory for Zoho MarketingHub. You can map additional fields by clicking on Map more link. Once done, click Initiate.


For instance, you can map the Notes field of Zendesk against a custom field in Zoho MarketingHub.

Notes (Zendesk) = Notes(Zoho MarketingHub custom field)*

To add a new custom field in Zoho MarketingHub while mapping the fields, enable New Fields option.

 Sync detail view

1. From the Navigation bar, click Leads and select Sync services. 

2. Navigate to Zendesk sync setup and click Active syncs.

3. Hover over the sync and click View details.


You can view sync details like mapped list, and last retrieval time; lead details like number of newly added, re-added, duplicate and deleted leads. The sync remains active till the completion of lead import for one-time import of data. In case of periodic sync, the sync remains active till the set period.

Edit field mapping

You can re-map or map more fields for your sync settings by choosing the Edit mapping in the Edit drop down.

 If all data sync is initiated, then users has to wait till the next sync fetch time for the mapping to be updated.

Edit retrieval details

You can edit the retrieval details such as retrieve interval, data to be retrieved and sync contacts configuration by choosing the Edit retrieval details in the Edit drop down.

Import details/history

Use this option to get a detailed history of the leads synced from Zendesk to Zoho MarketingHub. You can see this in the detailed view of the sync.




Total Leads

Leads imported/synced in a single fetch.

New leads

Leads added to the MarketingHub org.

Re-added leads

Leads already deleted in MarketingHub account but now added again.

Duplicate leads

Leads already present in MarketingHub account.

Ignored leads

Leads are not added to the mailing list.

Deleted leads

Leads deleted in Zendesk account and getting updated in MarketingHub as well.

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