Sync leads from Zoho Invoice

Sync leads from Zoho Invoice

Zoho MarketingHub integrates with Zoho Invoice to help you build your mailing lists. The integration lets you import contacts from Zoho Invoice as leads in Zoho MarketingHub. You can map custom fields in Zoho Invoice to Zoho MarketingHub to maintain your lead lists the way you want. 

To integrate with Zoho Invoice, click here

Set up sync

1. From the Navigation bar, click Leads and select Sync services.

2. Navigate to Zoho Invoice sync setup and click New sync

3. Enter the following details,

  • Sync Description: Give your sync a name

  • Select Organization: Select which of your organizations you want to sync

  • Choose which contacts to import:

    • All leads: To import all the leads.

    • Criteria: To import leads meeting the criteria you specify (e.g., Country is India)

  • Sync to Mailing List: Select the mailing list in Zoho MarketingHub to which you want to import the leads.

3. Click Save and continue.

Map your fields

Basic details such as email address, first name, and last name are pre-mapped. Mapping the email address field is mandatory. You can map additional fields by clicking on Map More link. Once done, click  Save and Continue.

For instance, you can map the email address field in Zoho Invoice against the Lead email field in Zoho MarketingHub.
Email Address (Zoho Invoice) = Lead Email (Zoho MarketingHub)
First Name (Zoho Invoice) = First Name (Zoho MarketingHub)

Configure Sync 

You decide how often data is imported from Zoho Invoice. The data can be retrieved just once, or you can set it to occur daily, weekly, or monthly.

1. Select a sync frequency:

  •      Retrieve data: One-time import of contacts.
  •      Sync frequency: Set the frequency to import contacts on  a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

 Choose your preferred time and time zone  to import contacts.

 3. Select the data to be retrieved:

  • All data: Imports all leads from Zoho Invoice.
  • After: Imports only leads that have been added/modified after the specified date and time.

You can choose date range from 30 days before the sync creation date. You can't retrieve data older than one month from Invoice.

4. Click Initiate.

  • Once you set the option for import (All leads/Criteria), you will not be able to edit the preference. To use different criteria, create a new sync.

  • Any lead that has an invalid email address will not be imported.

Sync detail view

1. From the Navigation bar, click Leads and select Sync services.

2. Navigate to Zoho Invoice sync setup and click Active syncs.

3. Hover over a sync and click on View details

Edit field mapping

You can re-map or Map more fields for your sync settings by choosing the Edit mapping  in the Edit drop down.

Edit retrieval detail

You can edit the retrieval details such as retrieve interval, data to be retrieved and sync contacts configuration by choosing the Edit retrieval details in the Edit drop down.

Import details/history

Use this option to get a detailed history of the leads synced from Zoho Invoice to Zoho MarketingHub. You can see this in the detailed view of the sync.



Total Leads

Leads imported/synced in a single fetch.

New leads

Leads added to the MarketingHub org.

Re-added leads

Leads already deleted in MarketingHub account but now added again.

Duplicate leads

Leads already present in MarketingHub account.

Ignored leads
Leads are not added to the mailing list.

Deleted leads

Leads deleted in Invoice account and getting updated in MarketingHub as well.

Ignored leads

Leads who are ignored during the import if they fall under one of the following group,

Leads present more than once in the file.  

Invalid Pattern




Leads bounced from the recipient's inbox, or email addresses do not exist.


Leads unsubscribed from your org.

Group Email(s)

Leads having a role/group email address. For e.g. info@, administrator@, careers@, service@, support@, etc.

File Duplicate(s)
Leads present more than once in the file.

Empty email address

Leads whose email address field is missing.

Invalid Pattern
Leads with an invalid email address; e.g.,

When do I change my ZSC key in Zoho MarketingHub?

You need to change your ZSC key in Zoho MarketingHub under these two scenarios,

  • If you change the Zoho Invoice ZSC key.

  • If you change your primary email address of your Invoice account.

Change ZSC key

You can regenerate your ZSC (Zoho Service Communication) key by copying the ZSC key from your Zoho Invoice account and pasting it in your MarketingHub account.

To change your ZSC key,

1. Log in to Zoho Invoice.

2. Click  Settings at the top-right corner of the page and select Integrations.

3. Click Zoho Invoice ZSC key tab and then click Regenerate ZSC key.

Next you will need to log in to Zoho MarketingHub. 

1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Leads and select Sync services. 

2. Under Zoho Invoice, select Active syncs.

3. Navigate to Settings tab.

4. Under Account details, click on the Edit icon next to existing ZSC key. 

5. Paste the ZSC key copied from Invoice in the  Update account details window that appears.

Use Case 

1. I am updating my ZSC key in my Zoho Invoice account. Will it impact on existing sync status?

Yes, the change will deactivate the existing syncs. In such cases, you need to activate all syncs manually. Once you regenerate the ZSC key, all previous syncs will become inactive, and you will need to enter the new ZSC key in your Zoho MarketingHub account to activate the periodic syncs.

Do more with sync services

To create a sync with Zoho Books, click here.

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