Synchronizing Zoho Recruit with Google Contacts

Synchronizing Zoho Recruit with Google Contacts

Keeping your contacts up to date in both Zoho Recruit and Google Contacts is now easy with the Contacts Synchronization feature. You can configure one-way or two-way sync schedules to sync contact details automatically. You can specify which list the contacts should be transferred to and map the fields as required. Please note that if you delete the sync configurations and synchronize the contacts again, duplicate records will not be created because the system will look for duplicates based on the email address that is mapped. 


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Sync with Google Contacts permission can access this feature.

Note: You will also need to have the profile permissions for Sync with Google Contacts and the Contacts tab, i.e. View, Create, Edit, and Delete permissions.

To configure synchronization settings

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit.
  2. In Zoho Recruit, navigate to Setup > Extensions & APIs > Google > Contacts. You must have finished the Authentication process before syncing the calendar.
  3. In the Contacts Synchronization page:
    • Choose a Google Contact list and Zoho Recruit Contacts list from the dropdown.
      The contacts from the selected lists will be synchronized.
  4. Choose one of the Sync Options:
    • 2 Way Sync
    • 1-Way: Zoho Recruit Contacts to Google Contacts
    • 1-Way: Google Contacts to Zoho Recruit Contacts
  5. Select one of the following options when there is a contact which appears in both places.
    • Zoho Recruit contact will overwrite the Google contact
    • Google contacts will overwrite the Zoho Recruit contact
  6. Choose the synchronization frequency from the dropdown list.
  7. Map the fields between Google and Zoho Recruit.
  8. Click the Map More Fields link to add and map more fields.
  9. Click Save.


  • Synchronizing contacts from Zoho Recruit to Google and vice versa will take a while to complete depending on the number of contacts. We request that you wait for a few minutes and then check if the contacts have been synchronized.
  • Please note that if you delete the sync configurations and then synchronize the contacts again, duplicate records will not be created as the system will check for duplicates based on the email address that is mapped.
  • Check the Last Sync Time in the Contacts Synchronization page to see when the sync was performed.
  • Note that only the contacts from the selected Google Group and the selected Zoho Recruit ListView will be synchronized. The contacts from Recruit will be added to the specified Google Group.
  • Contacts will be synchronized based on the appropriate roles and access privileges.
  • The first time you perform the sync, you can synchronize up to a maximum of 10,000 contacts. For subsequent syncs, a maximum of 500 contacts will be synchronized.
  • The criteria to search for duplicate records are based on the Email field value (primary email field in contacts) in Zoho Recruit and the Email (Work) field value in Google Contacts.

To deactivate the contacts synchronization:

  1. Log in to Zoho Recruit.
  2. In Zoho Recruit, navigate to Setup > Extensions & APIs > Google > Contacts.
  3. In the Contacts Synchronization page, click Deactivate.

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