

Tags help to reference modules in search and filters. Enable tags and associate them with projects, milestones, task lists, tasks, forums and status.

How to enable tags?

  1. Click    on the top right corner of the page.
  2. Select Org Settings under the Portal Configuration.
  3. Select Project & Budget.
  4. Navigate to Project Settings and toggle Enable Tags.


Tags is enabled by default. You can view the existing tags in filters, reports and custom views to find the relevant modules.

How to create a tag?

  1. Add a module (project, milestone, task list, task, issue, or a status).
  2. Navigate to Tags in the add form.
  3. Enter the tag name and click .
  4. Add or submit the module from the form.

How to associate a tag?

While creating or editing a module

  1. Navigate to Tags.
  2. Enter the tag name and hit enter or return key.

While viewing a module (list screen):

  1. Open the required module.
  2. Navigate to Tags column and click .
  3. Enter the tag name and click Associate.

How to dissociate a tag?

While editing a module:

  1. Navigate to Tags.
  2. Click    to dissociate the tag.

While viewing a module (list view):

  1. Open the required module.
  2. Navigate to Tags  column.
  3. Click the drop-down beside the tag.
  4. Click   on the required tag.
  5. Click Associate.

 How to edit a tag?

  1. Click on a tag (while editing a module or from a list view). It will take you to the search page.
  2. Click the drop-down on the tag's name in the top band.
  3. Select the Edit option and make the required changes.
  4. Click Save.

How to remove a tag?

  1. Click on a tag (while editing a module or from a list view). It will take you to the search page.
  2. Click the drop-down on the tag's name in the top band.
  3. Select the Remove option to clear tag from search results.

How to delete a tag?

  1. Click on a tag (while editing a module or from a list view). It will take you to the search page.
  2. Click the drop-down on the tag's name in the top band.
  3. Select the Delete option.
  4. Confirm your action.

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