

Tags are keywords that help you organize your leads and target specific people based on your business needs. They act like labels on your leads, making it easier to search and find the leads you want to. In other words, tags work to group your leads in categories for your convenience.


Create a Tag via the Lead Tags module

  1. Navigate to the Qualification.

  2. Select the Lead Tags sub tab and click Create New Tag.

  3. Give your tag a name, a description, and a color in the appropriate fields.

  4. Click Create.

User scenario

Tom is a marketer for a fitness-based shopping site. He sells the products via retailers or by directly contacting the customers. In order to target his retailers based on their revenue, he creates tags such as Start-up companies, Medium-sized, and Large scale.

Assign tags to leads

Tags can only be assigned to active leads. You can assign many tags to a single lead. You have the option to tag wherever the leads list view is available. You can manage tags from the lead list view, which you can access in the following sections:

All Leads under Leads

  1. From the navigation toolbar, select Leads, and choose All LeadsYou'll get your leads list view. 

  2. Select the desired lead's name by checking the corresponding box.

  3. Click the Assign Tags dropdown menu on top.

  4. Choose a tag to assign. 

    1. If the tag you want doesn't exist yet, click Add New Tag to create a new one.

Manage Lists under leads 

  1. From the navigation toolbar select Leads, and choose Manage lists

  2. Click the Leads subtab from either Lead View or Lead View which are present on top. You'll get the list of all your leads.

  3. Select the desired lead to whom you want to assign a tag.

  4. Click the Assign Tags dropdown menu on top.

  5.  Choose a tag to assign. If the tag you want doesn't exist yet, click Add New Tag to create a new one. 

Note: Even though you tag leads from a mailing list, it will apply to them across the organization.

To assign tags to leads from the Lead tags module:

  1. Select the Qualification tab from the navigation bar. 

  2. Click Lead tags.

  3. Select any tag.

  4. Click the Assign Tag in the top right corner.

  5. You can choose one of the three options to tag leads.

  • Existing leads- You can select from the list of leads present in the organization. 

  • New leads - You can add more than one lead manually.

  • Import leads - Import leads saved in your local files and assign tag to them.


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