Zoho Projects supports custom fields and layouts for tasks. Create your own fields and task layouts and use them for creating tasks as per your business requirements.
Navigate to > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks to create custom fields and layouts for tasks. If you are an admin but unable to access the above path, write to support@zohoprojects.com
What is a layout?
A layout is a graphical interface that is used to design a form. A task layout is used to create a task form.
Initially, all projects will be associated with the standard layout. If the standard layout is modified, the changes will be reflected in all the associated projects.
What is a section?
A set of sections form a layout. Similar attributes are placed inside a section. Every layout will have a default section. You can also create your own section and use it in your layout.
A section named Schedule Reviews can accommodate fields such as First Review, Second Review, and Third Review.
What is a field?
A field is an integral part of a layout. You can add a new field or an existing field to your layout. Owner, Status, Start Date, Due Date, Duration, Priority, and Completion Percentage are the default fields in a layout.
Excepting Status, default fields can neither be edited nor deleted. They can only be reordered.
The Status field can be modified but cannot be deleted. It can also be reordered.
Difference between a new field and an available field
A new field is a custom field that is yet to be created. An available field is a custom field that has already been created but not used in the current layout. You can always associate an available field to your current layout anytime.
Standard layout
Every portal will have a default layout to start with. We call it a Standard Layout.
The standard layout has one default section and five default fields.
The fields - Status, Due Date, Duration, Priority, and Completion Percentage are the default fields.
The default fields can neither be edited nor deleted. They can only be reordered.
When a user tries to create a new layout for the first time, they can clone it from the standard layout initially. After cloning, they will be able to add new sections and fields to their new layout.
Create layout
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click Create Layout in the upper-right corner. This button is enabled for Premium and Enterprise users only.
Select a base layout that you want to build (clone) your new layout on. If there aren't any created layouts, the system will only list the default layout in the dropdown.
Enter a Layout Name.
Click Create.
A layout cannot be deleted or reordered. However, it can be edited as many times as necessary.
Only the Premium and Enterprise users will be able to create and edit layouts, however the users in all plans (Free, Express, Premium, and Enterprise) will be able to access the Layouts section and edit the Standard Layout.
To view the list of layouts available in a portal, navigate to > Layouts and Fields > Tasks > Layouts.
You can also edit a layout's name by directly editing its name in the layout editor screen.
Associate layout with project
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click the plus icon to the right of the selected layout.
Select one or more projects from the dropdown to associate. You can also associate project templates with a layout.
When a project is switched from Layout A to Layout B, the fields in A will not be available in the project after the layout change but the data stored in those fields will not be lost.
Associating a project with a layout will overwrite its current layout mapping, if any.
Confirm your action.
Click Associate.
To view the list of associated projects of any layout, navigate to > Layouts and Fields > Tasks > Layouts.
The associated project names will be displayed below every layout.
A layout can be associated with a project while creating or editing the project.
View layout
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click the Layouts section to view the list of task layouts that have been created already.
The layouts that are listed can neither be deleted or reordered.
You can associate a layout with any project or project template that matches your business requirements.
Delete layout
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click the Layouts section.
Hover over a layout that you would like to delete and click the trash icon .
Confirm your action.
You might get the following warning message when you try deleting a layout:
This happens when the layout that you are trying to delete, has project association(s). Remap the associated projects to a different layout and try deleting it. Click here to learn about how to change the layout association of a project. If you are still unable to delete a layout, please feel free to write to support@zohoprojects.com
Manage default fields
The following fields are present by default in a task layout:
A default field can neither be modified nor removed from a layout. It can only be reordered.
Though Status is a default field, it can be customized but cannot be removed from the layout.
Users in all plans (Free, Express, Premium, and Enterprise) will be able to reorder the default fields.
Create custom field
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click a layout to add a custom field.
Drag and drop a field type from the New Fields tray into the layout editor (main panel).
Single-line text field: Add one line of text. Single line text fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Multi-line text field: Add multiple lines of text. Hit Enter to key in more information. Multi-line text fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Pick List field: Create your own dropdown using a pick list. Set values and wrap them under a pick list as per your business needs.
User Pick List field: Use this field when you need to store usernames.
Date: Store dates in this field.
Number: Store numbers in this field. A number can have a maximum of 19 digits. Number fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Decimal: Store decimal numbers in this field. A number can have a maximum of 14 digits before the decimal point. Decimal fields can be marked as containing Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Formula field: Formula field will automatically calculate and derives its value by referring to the value of the specified fields or the numeric, text, or date values given in the formula. Learn more.
Phone: Store contact numbers in this field. This field can be marked as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Email: Store email addresses in this field. This field can be marked as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
URL: Store URLs or links in this field. This field can be marked as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Percentage: Enter percentage value in this field.
Currency: Store currency value in this field. This field can be marked as Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If you select Encrypt Field, the data will be encrypted at the backend.
Checkbox: Create checkbox type fields.
Date & Time: Store date and time in this field.
Click Add to Layout to include the field in the layout. When you Cancel, the field is never stored anywhere.
Click Save Layout.
A maximum of 110 custom fields can be created and they cannot be duplicated.
Only Enterprise users can create custom fields.
Custom fields can be edited in Enterprise plan only.
When a custom field is renamed, the new name will be reflected in all the associated layouts. However, its other properties may vary between two different layouts.
Edit custom fields
Navigate to > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Open the specific layout editor and hover over the custom field you would like to edit.
Click to make changes to the custom field.
Remove custom field from layout
Navigate to > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Open the specific layout editor and hover over the custom field you would like to delete.
Click the cross icon .
Confirm your action.
Removing a field from a layout will not permanently delete it from the database.
The field will be moved to the Available Fields tray and can be reused anytime later from this tray.
The data stored in the field will not be lost. However, deleting a field from the portal will do so.
Manage available fields
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click a layout to add an available custom field.
Click the Available Fields tray.
Drag and drop a field into the layout editor (main panel).
If you have to search for an available field, type the field's name in the search bar present inside the tray.
Edit the properties of the field as necessary.
When you edit field's name, the new name will be reflected in all the associated layouts across projects in the portal.
Changes made to properties except the field name will remain intact and apply to the specific layout only.
Click Add to Layout.
Click Save Layout.
View number of remaining fields
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click a layout for which you would like to view the split-up of the used-up fields count and the number of fields left under every field type.
Click the Remaining Fields link in the left panel below the Add Section component.
You can get the count of how many fields under each category have been created already and how many are in hand.
Delete custom field from portal
Navigate to -> Portal Configuration -> Layouts and Fields -> Tasks -> Fields.
Hover over the field you would like to delete.
Click the trash icon .
Deleting a custom field will affect the associated tasks.
The data stored in the field will be lost.
Confirm your action.
Deleting a field from a portal will permanently delete it from the database.
If a field is associated with more than 1000 tasks you will not be able to delete it.
Create or edit custom task status
Navigate to > Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Open the specific layout editor and hover over the Status field in the Task Information section.
Click the Customize link with a gear icon at the top of the field.
Click the +Add Statuslink to create a new task status.
Open and Closed are the two default status types and they cannot be deleted.
The new status that you create will fall under either of the above two status types.
Give a status name.
Click or to the left of the status name to assign a color. Pick any color from the palette that matches the status name and type.
Click Apply Changes.
The status color can be set while editing the Status field in the layout editor or the task Kanban view.
Create or edit section
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click a layout to add a section.
Drag and drop the Add New Section component from the left tray to the layout editor (main panel). Initially the sections will be named "Untitled Section", "Untitled Section 1", "Untitled Section 2" and so on as you keep adding new sections in the layout editor.
Hover over the section name and edit it.
You can also add new or existing custom fields to your section.
Click Save Layout.
A section cannot be empty in a layout.
Delete section
Click in the upper-right corner of the top navigation bar.
Navigate to Portal Configuration > Layouts and Fields > Tasks.
Click a layout to add a section.
Hover over the section and click the trash icon .
The icon will be visible only when all the custom fields inside the section are removed. We recommend you to remove the custom fields first and then delete the section.
What is a layout? A project layout is used to create a form where the project details are collected. You can create different project layouts based on your project requirements. Initially, all projects will be associated with the standard layout. If ...
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When a new layout is created, it will contain a set of default fields. The properties and privileges of these fields can be edited to suit different layouts. They appear when a new job is created. Field Name Mandatory Visibility Renaming ...
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