Task reminders

Task reminders

Working on multiple tasks can be tedious and you can lose track of your work. Task reminders can help you stay on top of your work by sending timely emails. With task reminders in Zoho Projects, you don't miss a single task.

  1. Click the Tasks module and select Add Task to create a new task. 
  2. Click Reminder.
  3. In case of Specific date, select the date and add users to notify them about the task.
  4. Click Set reminder.
  5. If the reminder is based on the due date, select the Reminder type, enter Time and users to notify.
  6. Click Set reminder.

In Remind on, if you select:

  • Daily: The reminder mail will be sent to task owners daily till the due date.
  • On due date:A reminder mail will be sent to the specified users on or before the due date.
  • Day(s) before due date:A reminder mail will be sent before the due date based on the day(s) specified.

Here is a quick run-down on how to set reminder from task details page

  1. Click the Tasks module and select any task.
  2. In the task details page, click Reminder
  3. In case of Specific date, select the date and add users to notify them about the task.
  4. Click Set reminder.
  5. If the reminder is based on the due date, select the Reminder type, enter Time and users to notify.
  6. Click Set reminder.

The reminder for the task is successfully updated. An email is also automatically triggered for the set time period. However, you cannot set reminders for elapsed dates in Zoho Projects.

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