Tasks in a Board

Tasks in a Board

Creating and assigning tasks

To add and assign a task: 
  • Click the + seen within a section.
  • Fill in the task details such as title, task notes, or add a checklist, set a due date, priority levels, and set a reminder.
  • Attach files from the desktop by clicking the upload button.
  • The maximum size limit per file is 30 MB.
  • Assign the task to yourself or another member.
  • Click Create.

Activities feed in a task

Every task within a board has feed that shows a timeline of all activities relevant to that task. This feed is also a great way to start conversations around the task.
  • Click the task to get a detailed view.
  • In the text box below, type your comment.
  • Attach files from desktop or cloud by clicking the paperclip icon.
  • Supported cloud services include: Zoho Docs, Google Drive, Box, OneDrive, and Dropbox.
  • The maximum size limit per file is 30 MB. Click Post.

Marking Tasks as complete 

  • Click the task to get a detailed view.
  • Click Mark as complete at the top of the task window.

Reopening Completed Tasks

  • Click the task to get a detailed view.
  • Click Reopen task.
  • You can edit the assignees, task title, due date, and priority.

Archiving a Task

  • Archive completed tasks, so you can refer them anytime you like.
  • Click the task to get a detailed view
  • Click the menu with the three dots in the top-right side of the pop-up window.
  • Click Archive this task.

Viewing archived Tasks 

  • Click the pending/overdue tasks count in right side of the header of your board.
  • Click Archived.
  • This will list out all the tasks archived in the Board.

Applying Filters

View just the tasks you need to by using filters.
  • Click the Funnel icon in the top-right side of the Board.
  • Apply filters based on Assignee, Due Date, Priority, and Status.
  • Click Apply.

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