

Zoho Survey supports the following textbox question types.

Single Line

This question type allows your respondents to type in a short text or a combination of text and numbers. You can set the character limit and the text box size while crafting the question. The maximum response size is limited to 255 characters, which can be changed to any number less than 255. The maximum size you can set for the text box is 40 characters.

Single line textbox question type sample


How do I add a single line question in my survey?

  1. Click Single Line in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder. Also, you can change the question type by clicking the dropdown next to the question type in the question editor. However, the choices for change are related to the question type you have selected. For example, if you selected single text question type, you can only change it to its variants available in the list. You can select an option from the dropdown.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Question box, type your question.
    • If you want to mark the question mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    • If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  3. To learn what else you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following actions:
    • In the Text field size dropdown list, select the size of the text box you want to use.
    • In the Text must be between boxes provided, specify the minimum and maximum character limits.
    • The auto-fill or prepopulate answer feature allows you to prepopulate single variable survey responses automatically before sending it to respondents. To prepopulate answers for a known respondent, select Prepopulate answer.
    • Question hint is used to add hints to your question and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about. This feature is optional and is available only for certain types of questions.
      Add survey question hint
  1. Click Save.
  2. To discard the changes, click Cancel.


Multiple Lines

This question type allows your respondents to write long, open-ended answers in a text box. You can set the character limit and the text box size in the advanced options section. The maximum response size is limited to 5000 characters, which can be changed to any number less than 5000. The response text box size can be formatted to allow up to 9 lines with 100 characters for each line. 

Multiple lines textbox question type sample


How do I add multiple lines question in my survey?

  1. Click Multiple Lines in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder. Also, you can change the question type by clicking the dropdown next to the question type in the question editor. However, the choices for change are related to the question type you have selected. For example, if you selected multiple lines question type, you can only change it to its variants available in the list. You can select an option from the dropdown.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Question box, type your question.
    • If you want to mark the question mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    • If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  3. To know what more you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following actions:
    • In the Text box size dropdown lists, select the number of lines and the number of characters you want in each line.
    • In the Text must be between boxes provided, specify the minimum and maximum character limits.
    • The auto-fill or prepopulate answer feature allows you to prepopulate single variable survey responses automatically before sending it to respondents. To prepopulate answers for a known respondent, select Prepopulate answer.
    • Question hint is used to add hints to your question and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about. This feature is optional and is available only for certain types of questions.
      Add survey question hint
  1. To save the changes, click Save.
  2. To discard the changes, click Cancel.



This question type allows the survey respondents to type in numeric responses. 

Numeric textbox question type


How do I add a numeric question in my survey?

  1. Click Numeric in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder. Also, you can change the question type by clicking the dropdown next to the question type in the question editor. However, the choices for change are related to the question type you have selected. For example, if you selected numeric text box question type, you can only change it to its variants available in the list. You can select an option from the dropdown.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Question box, type your question.
    • If you want to mark the question mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    • If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  3. To learn what else you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following actions:
    • In the Text field size dropdown list, select the number of characters you want to use in the text box.
    • In the Minimum value and Maximum value boxes, specify the minimum and maximum character limits.
    • The auto-fill or prepopulate answer feature allows you to prepopulate single variable survey responses automatically before sending it to respondents. To prepopulate answers for a known respondent, select Prepopulate answer.
    • Question hint is used to add hints to your question and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about. This feature is optional and is available only for certain types of questions.
      Add survey question hint
  1. Click Save.
  2. To discard the changes, click Cancel.



This question type allows the respondent to type in an email address as the response in the text box.

Email question type


How do I add an email question in my survey?

  1. Click Email in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder. Also, you can change the question type by clicking the dropdown next to the question type in the question editor. However, the choices for change are related to the question type you have selected. For example, if you selected email text box question type, you can only change it to its variants available in the list. You can select an option from the dropdown.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Question box, type your question.
    • If you want to mark the question mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
    • If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Question box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  3. To learn what else you can do with the question, click Advanced options. You can perform the following actions:
    • In the Text field size dropdown list, select the number of characters you want to use in the text box.
    • The auto-fill or prepopulate answer feature allows you to prepopulate single variable survey responses automatically before sending it to respondents. To prepopulate answers for a known respondent, select Prepopulate answer.
    • Question hint is used to add hints to your question and help your respondents get a clear idea on what your questions are all about. This feature is optional and is available only for certain types of questions.
      Add survey question hint
  1. Click Save.
  2. To discard the changes, click Cancel.


Full Name

This question type can be used to collect information about the first and last name of your respondents.

Full Name question type


How do I add a full name question in my survey?

  1. Click Full Name in the question types listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder.
    Create online surveys
  2. If you want to rename the labels, type in the new labels in the First Name and Last Name Question label boxes respectively.
  3. If you want to mark the boxes mandatory, select the Make this question mandatory checkbox.
  4. If you want to make changes to the default Error message text that displays, edit the content in the text box.
  5. In the Text must be between boxes provided, specify the minimum and maximum character limits.
  6. To save the changes, click Save.
  7. To discard the changes, click Cancel.


Text Field (Heading/Description)

This question type can be used for including comments or explanations in your survey. 
Text field question type sample


How do I add a text field or a heading/description question in my survey?

  1. Click Text Field (Heading/Description) in the question type listed on the left pane. You can also drag and drop the question type to the builder.
    Create online surveys
  2. In the Heading box, type in the heading text.
  3. If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click the arrow next to Insert Variable right above the Heading box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
  4. In the Description box, type in the descriptive content. You can perform the following actions here:
    • If you want to pipe in custom variables or variables from previous questions and customize the follow up questions, click Insert Variable right above the Description box, and select the variable you want to use from the list. Read more on Piping.
    • To make your text appear in boldface, click Create online surveys.
    • To italicize the text, click Create online surveys.
    • To underline the text, click Create online surveys.
    • To adjust the font size of the text, click Create online surveys.
    • To set a background color for the text, click Create online surveys.
    • To set a color for the text, click Create online surveys.
    • To insert a link, click Create online surveys.
    • To unlink a hyperlink, click Create online surveys.
    • To upload an image, click Create online surveys. You can select the images by using either of the following ways:
      • From the image gallery - You can drag and drop the image in the box, or click to upload images.
        Upload image from image gallery
      • From URL - In the Image Link box, type in or copy/paste the web link of the image.
        Upload image from URL
      • To confirm the image selection, click Insert.
      • To make changes to the image selection, click Cancel.
    • To align the text, click Create online surveys, and select the alignment you want to use.
  5. To save the changes, click Save.
  6. To discard the changes, click Cancel.


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