

Using Zoho MarketingHub, you can categorize your mailing lists under different topics so that you send your leads the right emails. Let them choose the topics they want to hear from you about. Using topics, you can let your leads know all the types of email newsletters you offer, and they can choose the types that interest them.

Before you set up topics, you need to choose between two types of topic hierarchy.

  • Brand > Products > Topics
  • Brand > Topics

When to choose Brand > Product > Topic:

If your organization offers multiple products or services to your leads, you can have specific mailing lists for different products or services and topics related to them.

When to choose Brand > Topic:

If your organization represents a brand, your leads are interested in your brand and want to receive email newsletters about it. Also, if your organization doesn't offer multiple products or services.

Descriptions of your topics let your leads know exactly what they will receive from your newsletters. Some common examples of topics with a brief description are:

There is a type of topic called Brand topic that's available in both hierarchies. Brand topic is designed to explicitly cover subjects only about your organization.

For example: There is an annual conference about your organization which covers the company's achievements, progress, and upcoming projects. You want to send email newsletters about the conference to your leads. You can add User Conference as a brand topic, and it will be included in the email preference page. Interested recipients will choose the conference topic, and you can keep them updated about it.

  • Product Updates (Getting started with your product and feature updates)
  • Latest news, offers and discounts (Promotions and advertisements related to any new offers, sales, or discounts)
  • Conferences and events (User conferences and promotional events about any upcoming features or new products)
  • Weekly Digest (Weekly updates regarding the latest and upcoming features in your products)

To use topics:

  1. From the navigation toolbar click Lists and select Manage Consent .
  2. In Summary , you'll see your current type of email marketing, topic hierarchy (if topic is configured) and other details about your leads' consent status and your consent emails.
  3. Click Email preference sub tab.
  4. Select either the Landing Page or the Thank You Page of topic preference email.
  5. On the landing page, you can:
    • Configure topics to change the topic hierarchy, edit your topics, and associate mailing lists with your topics.
    • Edit design of the email landing page.
    • Preview how the landing page will look before sending it out.
  6. Click Configure topics to setup the hierarchy, products and topics.
  7. In the screen that follows,

    1. Click the Change topic hierarchy button to switch between the two types of hierarchy.
    2. Click Add brand topic to add a new topic about your organization.
    3. Click Add product topic to add a new topic about your organization's product or service.
    4. You can see the number of lists mapped with a particular topic.

You can configure your topics and Save as draft before you switch to Topic management . You can later enable Topic management, and the drafted topics will be live.

When you mouse over a particular topic, you'll be able to see three options:

  1. Using the toggle button, you can choose to enable or disable any particular topic. When the button is enabled, it implies the topic is visible to your leads when they update their email preference.
  2. Click the Edit icon to change the topic configuration. You can change the topic name, topic description, associated mailing lists, and also the primary list of that topic.0

  3. Click the Delete icon to delete the topic.

You can customize your email by selecting Configure topics .

Click the Edit icon corresponding to the different elements of your email to change their style.


Every topic must have a list set as the primary list for that topic. When leads select a particular topic while updating their email preferences, they'll be automatically added to the primary list for that topic. However, you can change the leads from a mailing list by adding them manually into specific lists or by creating a separate workflow.

We suggest maintaining a separate empty list in every topic. You can set that list as the primary list for the topic. This way, all your leads who select the topic while updating their email preference will be added to that primary list. You can then sort your leads later by them into specific mailing lists manually or using a workflow.

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