Trigger Emails

Trigger Emails

Trigger Emails

Set up automated email notifications for every survey response or only when a respondent answers your survey in a certain way. You can also send the user's score, total score, and the percentage of the total score for each question and page in an email notification by using the scoring feature.

How do I...


How do I create an email trigger?

  1. Select the Hub tab.


  2. Select the Triggers section.


  3. Click Create in the Trigger Emails section.


    1. Your default email address will be displayed in the From box. Click the dropdown to select another user from your currently selected department. To add another email in the From box, click the down arrow next to the From email address and click Add Email. You'll be taken to the accounts page, where you can add more email addresses.
    2. Reload the page to update your list of email addresses.


  4. Type the name of the sender in the Sender name field.
  5. In the To box, type the email addresses where you want to send trigger emails. Separate the addresses with commas. If you have an email question in your survey, you don't have to type in email addresses manually—insert them as variables in the To box.
  6. Add a subject for the trigger email in the Subject box. You can also select a variable from the Insert Variable dropdown and make it the subject. For example, you can insert a variable called Name and say "<name of the respondent>, you've got feedback!"

    add score in email subject

    • Click Respondent'sscore(percentage) to send the percentage of the total score.
    • Click Respondent'sscore(value) to send only the user's score.
    • Click Surveytotal score to send the total score.
    • Click Page> Respondent's score (percentage) to send the percentage of the total score for a particular page.
    • Click Page> Respondent's score (value) to send the user's score for a particular page.
    • Click Page total score to send the total score for a particular page.
    • Click Plain text to write an email without any formatting. You can switch back to the default mode by clicking Rich text.
  7. Fill in the body of the email. You can insert a variable here as well. In the Insert Variable dropdown, if you select All Responses, the trigger email will contain all the responses that the respondent has submitted. You can also send the details of the score for each question and page by using the insert variable feature.
  8. Click Add Condition to set a condition to send an email based on the answer to a particular question.
    Create online surveys
    • Select a question from the If dropdown list.
    • Set a condition for the selected question.
    • In the Operand box, type in the answer for the condition you've set. When the user submits their response, and if the question meets the conditions you've set, an email will be sent to the respondent. You can apply multiple logic options in an email trigger. 
      Create online surveys
  1. Click Save Trigger.


How do I edit an existing email trigger?

  1. Select the Hub tab.


  2. Select the Triggers section.


  3. Click Manage in the Trigger Emails section. You'll see the list of triggers you've created.


  4. Hover over the trigger you want to edit and click Create online surveys.
  5. Make the necessary changes and click Save Trigger.


How do I delete an email trigger?

  1. Select the Hub tab.


  2. Select the Triggers section.


  3. Click Manage in the Trigger Emails section. You'll see the list of triggers you've created.


  4. Hover over the trigger you want to delete and click Create online surveys.

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