Troubleshoot sign-in related issues

Troubleshoot sign-in related issues

Why can't I access my Zoho account?

If you're unable to access your Zoho account, one of the following cases might be the reason.
  1. You've reached the daily sign-in limit.
  2. You've have reached maximum sign-in attempts
  3. Your IP address is restricted from signing in to your account
  4. Restricted sign-in is enabled for your account
  5. You need to refresh your OneAuth app to sign in
  6. You've reached maximum concurrent session limit.
  7. You account might be marked as inactive.

What is a daily sign-in limit?

To restrict multiple users using the same Zoho account, the daily sign-in limit for an account has been restricted to 20 times per day (time is based on your account's data center timing). If you receive an error message stating your daily sign-in limit has been reached, you can wait until the end of the day (based on your data center time) or contact Zoho Accounts Support.  

What is maximum sign-in attempts?

If you attempt to sign in to a Zoho account with the wrong credentials more than 10 times, your browser will be temporarily blocked from further attempts. You can sign in to your account after some time.

Why is my IP address restricted ?

If your Zoho account has been set up with an IP address or a range of IP addresses as an allowed IP address, you will not be able to sign in to your account via a different IP address. 
  1. If you're an organization user, please contact your admin to resolve this issue.
  2. If you're an organization admin or a personal user, follow the steps mentioned below to disable IP restriction
To disable IP restriction for your Zoho account:
  1. Sign in to your Zoho account via the IP address you have configured.
  2. Click Security, then Allowed IP address .
  3. Click the IP address you want to remove, then click Delete .
If you don't know the IP address you've configured for your Zoho account, please contact  Zoho Accounts Support .

What is restrict sign-in? 

If you've enabled the restrict sign-in option for your Zoho account, any further sign-in attempts for your account will be blocked. 
To disable restrict sign-in:
  1. Open your OneAuth app.
  2. Tap More .
  3. Tap the toggle bar to disable Restrict sign-in .

Why am I getting the error "You need to refresh your OneAuth app to sign in to your account"?

If you terminate all your desktop and mobile app sessions, when you reset your account password, you need to re-authenticate yourself in your OneAuth app to sign in to your Zoho account. If you cannot see the re-authentication pop-up, please refresh your OneAuth app.

What is Concurrent session limit?

By default, Zoho Accounts supports a maximum of  50 concurrent sessions for an account to prevent multiple users from using the same Zoho account. If you have exceeded the maximum concurrent session limit, you won't be able to access your Zoho account until you clear all the sessions. 
Based on your organization policy, the maximum limit for concurrent sessions might be less than 50.

Why is my account inactive?

If your organization admin has marked your account as inactive, you will not be able to sign in to your account. You need to contact your admin to resolve this.

What is the session validity for my Zoho account?    

By default, if you sign in to your Zoho account, you can access your account without signing in again for the next 30 days, even if you quit the browser. We won't ask you to sign in to your Zoho account unless to manually sign out.
 Based on your SAML IDP's policy or organization policy, the validity time might be less than 30 days.

Why am I asked to sign in to my account every time I quit my browser?    

If you sign in to your Zoho account once, we won't ask you to verify yourself for the next 30 days, even if you quit the browser. However, based on your browser settings or extensions, you may have to sign in to your account if you quit the browser. 
To resolve this issue: 
  1. If you're using Chrome,
    • Open Chrome browser settings.
    • Search for cookies and site data, then disable Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome.
  2. If you're using Mozilla Firefox,
    • Open Firefox browser preferences.
    • Search for cookies and site data, then disable Delete cookies and site data when Firefox is closed.
  3. If you're using Safari,
    • Open Safari browser settings.
    • Click Privacy, then uncheck Block all cookies.
  4. If you're using Microsoft Edge,
    • Open Edge browser settings.
    • Click Privacy & Security.
    • Click Choose what to clear under Clear browsing data.
    • You can either uncheck Cookies and saved website data or disable Always clear this when I close the browser.

If you have installed an extension that clears your browser's cookies and site data, you need to disable the extension.

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