Understanding cross promotion

Understanding cross promotion

Cross promotion is when you use one product to promote other product.

In products module, cross promotion can be done in two ways:

  • Promoting other product - Here, you can promote another product listed under products module to the current product and other selected products' audience.

  • Promoting current product- This way you can promote the current product to other selected products' audience.For instance, if you have created records for three of your service products in products module, you can promote the first product to the remaining two product's audience from the first product's record.

Cross promotion types

Creating a cross promotion campaign to promote other product

You can cross promote another product listed in products module to customers of current product as well as audience of some selected products.

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product whose audience you want to target to cross promote another product

  4. Click Cross promotion.

  5. Click Select in Other product

  6. Click Create campaign.

  7. Name the campaign for your reference

  8. Search for and Select the product you want to to cross promote.

  9. Search for and Select products for audience group. By default, the current product will be selected. You can add more products as per your requirement.

  10. Select an audience group:

  • All Leads of the chosen products 

  • All Customers of the chosen products 

  • Common leads of the chosen products 

  • Common customers of the chosen products 

  • Common leads and customers of the chosen products 

  • All Leads and customers of the chosen products 

  • Besides default groups, user created groups will also be listed 

      11. Click Create.

Cross promoting other products

      12. Click New campaign.
      13. Create a campaign and set up the campaign content as you would do for your normal campaign. Click here to learn how to create a             campaign.  Click here to learn how to set up campaign content.
      14. After configuring content, set response action, and define the campaign audience before sending out the campaign.

Set response action:

  1. Click Edit actions.

  2. Check Choose the lead level you want to add leads to.

  3. Select a level for the leads to be moved to.

  4. Click Done.

Define audience:

  1. Click Define audience.

  2. Select mailing lists for this campaign.

  3. Apply filters to refine campaign audience.

  4. Click Define.

      15. You can send and schedule this cross promotional campaign like a regular campaign. Click here to learn about sending campaigns. Click here to learn about scheduling campaigns.      

Creating a cross promotion campaign to promote the current product

You can rope in the audience of other products as targets for your cross promotion campaign on the current product.
  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product that you want to cross promote to other products' audience

  4. Click Cross promotion.

  5. Click Select in Current product

  6. Click Create campaign.

  7. Name the campaign for your reference

  8. Search and Select products for audience group

  9. Select an Audience group:            

  • All Leads of the chosen products 

  • All Customers of the chosen products 

  • Common leads of the chosen products 

  • Common customers of the chosen products 

  • Common leads and customers of the chosen products 

  • All Leads and customers of the chosen products 

  • Besides default groups, groups which you have created will also be listed.

Cross promoting current product

      10. Click Create
      11. Click New campaign.
      12. Create a campaign and set up the campaign content as you would do for your normal campaign. Click here to learn how to create a             campaign.  Click here to learn how to set up campaign content.
      13. After configuring content, set response action, and define the campaign audience before sending out the campaign.

Set response action:

  1. Click Edit actions.

  2. Check Choose the lead level you want to add leads to.

  3. Select a level for the leads to be moved to.

  4. Click Done.

Define audience:

  1. Click Define audience.

  2. Select mailing lists for this campaign.

  3. Apply filters to refine campaign audience.

  4. Click Define.

      14. You can send and schedule this cross promotional campaign like a regular campaign. Click here to learn about sending campaigns. Click here to learn about scheduling campaigns.      

Building audience group

Targeting the right audience holds the key to a successful campaign. You can select the audience from different mailing list and apply certain filters to form more precise audience group. You can filter the audience based on their contact details, website actions, demographics, behaviors and more. Choose what works well for your campaign.

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product for whose cross promotion campaigns you want to build the audience.

  4. Tap on Cross promotion.

  5. Click Build audience group.

  6. Name this audience group

  7. Apply filters to refine campaign audience

  8. Click Build.

This audience group can be used for all the cross promotional campaigns you create under the product
Build audience group

Define audience for campaigns in draft:

You can refine audience for each cross promotion campaign separately using Define audience feature.

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product for whose cross promotion campaign you want to define the audience.

  4. Tap on Cross promotion.

  5. Select the cross promotion campaign for which you want to define the audience

  6. Click Define audience.

  7. Select mailing lists for this campaign. By default the audience of the product to be cross promoted will be listed here. You can change it according to your requirement.

  8. Apply filters to refine campaign audience. By default the criteria matching the selected audience group will be set. You can add additional criteria as per your requirement.

  9. Click Define.

Define audience for cross promotion

Setting response action for campaigns in draft:

The audience who responds to the campaign, like opening campaign email, clicking a link in the email etc. will be added as leads to the product you are cross promoting.

You can set the lead level to which they should be added.  You can set level as follows

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product for whose cross promotion campaign you want to set a response action.

  4. Tap on Cross promotion.

  5. Select the cross promotion campaign for which you want to set response action.

  6. Click Edit actions.

  7. Check Choose the lead level you want to add leads to.

  8. Select a level for the leads to be moved to.

  9. Click Done.

Response based action

If no lead level is set, the audience will be added to the Uncategorized level.

Understanding cross promotion campaign reports:

It's important to measure the campaign's performance to enhance marketing strategy. You can track how your campaign has performed in terms of delivery, bounces, lead generation etc.

Viewing cross promotion report:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product for whose cross promotion campaign you want to see the report

  4. Click Cross promotion.

  5. Select the cross promotion campaign for which you want to see the report.

  6. Click View report

Understanding Cross promotion reports:

Cross promotion report is divided into three sections:

  • Campaign stats

  • Lead generation stats

  • Audience data

Campaign stats:

Summary: This analysis lets you know the number of emails sent, bounced , undelivered, responsive audience and unresponsive audience.

Cross promotion campaign summary

Response by location: This gives you the concentration of responding recipients based on location.

Response by location

Lead generation stats:

Response action : This will let you know the level you have set for the leads to be classified into

Campaign generated leads: This graph draws a comparison between the total leads and this campaign generated leads

Leads Generated: Leads generated through this campaign for the cross promoted product will be listed here.

Lead generation stats

Audience data:

This section lists the audience of this campaign under categories like Sent, Responsive. and Unresponsive.

Editing a cross promotion campaign in draft:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product whose cross promotion campaign you want to edit.

  4. Click Cross promotion.

  5. Hover over the cross promotion campaign which you want to edit.

  6. Click Edit

  7. You can change the campaign audience, response actions, campaign content

Editing cross promotion campaign

Deleting a cross promotion campaign:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product whose cross promotion campaign you want to delete

  4. Tap on Cross promotion.

  5. Hover over the cross promotion campaign which you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete.

  7. Click Delete in the confirmation pop-up.

Deleting cross promotion campaign

Learn how to add products and manage them.

Learn about different product levels and their usage.
Add product related custom data fields and store additional information about your services.
Get insights on your product's performance and compare different products for better strategizing
Learn about product promotions

For further assistance, contact us at support@zohomarketinghub.com

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