Understanding data fields

Understanding data fields

Data fields are optional fields created to store and manage additional details about a product. You can create three types of data fields to capture product and lead/customer related metadata.

Product data fields

You can create product data fields to store extra data about the products you add. This field will be available across all the added products.


  • A field labeled 'ANNUAL_PRICE' to store the annual price plan of a particular product.

  • A field labeled 'MARKETER_INCHARGE' to store the email address of the marketer.

  • A field labeled 'LANGUAGES' to store the languages this product support.

  • A field labeled 'CUSTOMER_HELP_LINE_NUMBER' to store the help contact.

  • A field labeled 'PRICING_PLANS ' to store the plans this product supports.

Adding a product data field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings 

  2. From Customization choose Custom fields.

  3. Select Create product data field 

  4. Fill in the following details:

  • Select field type- Choose the type of data the field should get as an input (i.e) Text, Integer etc.
  • Display Label- Give a name for the field. This will be visible to the users.
  • Field length-Mention the maximum number of characters the field can hold.

     7. Click Add.

Custom fields

Product data field

Editing a product data field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings 

  2. From Customization, choose Custom fields.

  3. Hover over and click Edit on the Product data field you want to edit.

  4. Make changes.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a product data field

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings 

  2. From Customization choose Custom fields.

  3. Hover over and click Delete on the Product data field you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box.

Product audience fields

You can create Product audience fields to store data about the relationship between the product audience and the product. The fields you create will be available across all the added products.


  • A field labeled 'SALE_TYPE' to store the type of purchase (i.e) Offline/Online.

  • A field labeled 'COUNTRY' to store the country where the audience belong to.

  • A field labeled 'FEEDBACK" to store the feedback from the audience.

  • A field labeled 'RENEWAL_DATE' to store the subscription renewal date.

  • A field labeled 'PURCHASE_DATE' to store the purchase date of the product.

Adding a Product audience field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings 

  2. From Customization choose Custom fields.

  3. Click Create product audience field.

  4. Fill in the following details:

  • Select field type- Choose the type of data the field should get as an input (i.e) Text, Integer etc.
  • Display Label- Give a name for the field. This will be visible to the users.
  • Field length-Mention the maximum number of characters the field can hold.

      7. Click Add.

Add product audience field

Editing a Product audience field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings 

  2. From Customization choose custom fields.

  3. Hover over and click Edit on the Product audience field you want to edit.

  4. Make changes.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a Product audience field

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Settings.

  2. From Customization choose Custom fields.

  3. Hover over and click Delete on the Product audience field you want to delete.

  4. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box.

Product specific audience fields

You can create Product specific audience fields to store data about the relationship between the audience and a specific product. The fields you create will be available only in the particular product.


  • A field labelled 'CLASS_TYPE' in case if it's an online coaching class.

Adding product specific audience field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Lists and choose Products. 

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Choose the product to which you want to add product specific lead field

  4. Select Data fields

  5. Click Create product specific audience field

  6. Fill in the following details:

  • Select field type- Choose the type of data the field should get as an input (i.e) Text, Integer etc.
  • Display Label- Give a name for the field. This will be visible to the users.
  • Field length-Mention the maximum number of characters the field can hold.

      7. Click Add.

Product specific audience field

Add product specific audience field

Editing a Product specific audience field:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Lists and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Choose the product whose product specific audience field you want to edit.

  4. Select Data fields.

  5. Hover over and click Edit on the Product specific lead field you want to edit.

  6. Make changes.

  7. Click Save.

Deleting a Product specific audience field

  1. From the Navigation toolbar select Lists and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Choose the product whose product specific audience field you want to delete.

  4. Select Data fields.

  5. Hover over and Click Delete on the Product specific audience field you want to delete.

  6. Click Delete in the confirmation dialog box.

Learn how to add products and manage them.
Learn about different product levels and their usage.
Get insights on your product's performance and compare different products for better strategizing
Learn about product promotions
Learn about product cross promotions

For further assistance, contact us at support@zohomarketinghub.com

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