Understanding product levels

Understanding product levels

Based on audience interactions with the associated product, you can classify them under lead levels and customer levels. Tracking these levels helps you understand their relationship with the associated product
, which helps you formulate suitable marketing strategies for growing your business.

Lead levels

Getting a decent insight into lead levels helps you implement the right plan of action to boost your product consumption. The default lead levels are:

  • Awareness

  • Engagement


This is the first level where people who hadn't previously heard of your product learn of its existence. This is where you introduce your products to the masses. The first step in pushing your product to the market is gathering leads, and to gather leads you need to display your product in a platform where it can be easily seen and acknowledged. You can use Zoho MarketingHub to create such a platform for your product.

  • Here's how you can gather leads in the awareness stage:

    • List your product and its detail in the Product module.

    • Create a campaign to introduce your product to the receiver. Click here to learn how to create a campaign.

    • Associate the campaign with the product you listed. Select Awareness as the lead level you want to add the recipients to. Click here to learn how to associate a campaign with a product. 

    • Create product introduction pages and add them to the web assistant groups.   to learn how to group pages using web assistant.

    • Associate the web assistant group with the product you listed. Select Awareness as the level you want to add known page visitors to. Click here to learn how to associate a web assistant group with a product.

    • Send this campaign to specific lists. Any recipient who responds to the campaign will be taken as a lead under Awareness.

    • Share the web assistant group pages on social media. Any known page visitor will be added as a lead under Awareness.


This is the level where your leads who are aware of your product find out more about you and your productThe key thing here is to keep your leads engaged and interested in your product by sending them promotional content. This is the level where they will start to trust you. There is a thin line between pestering and pursuing. You should get your leads to embrace your products without pestering them.

  • Here's how you can find leads who are engaged with your product

    • Once you have leads listed and mapped to the Awareness level, create a product promotion campaign to highlight your products advantages to your readers. You can refine the audience for this promotion campaign using the Build Audience feature. Select leads in the Awareness level as your campaign audience. Click here to learn how to create a product promotion campaign.

    • Set Engagement as the level to move the recipients who respond to the campaign to.

    • Send the campaign and any recipient who responds will be added as leads in the Engagement level.

Customizing Lead Levels

You can also create your own lead levels and group leads under them. 

Adding a lead level

Follow the steps below to add a new lead level:

  1. On the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Click Add lead level.

  4. Fill in the following details:

  • Name: Give a name for the lead level

  • Description: Write about the level you are adding and its purpose

       5. Click Add.

Manage product level

 Add lead level

You can add a maximum of 5 lead levels.

Editing a lead level

  1. On the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Hover over the lead level you would like to delete and click Edit.

  4. Make the required changes.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a lead level

  1. On the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Hover over the lead level you would like to delete and click Delete.

  4. Select the lead level you want the existing leads to be moved to after this level is deleted.

  5. Click Delete.

deleting a lead level

Customer Levels

Managing customers is vital in sustaining your business. Requirements will vary from customer to customer. Catering to every type of customer with a same approach will not work.  To keep things simple, you can classify your customers based on their market level behavior and approach them separately. By default, Zoho MarketingHub provides two levels of classification. You can add levels according to your requirements. The default levels are:

  1. Purchase
  2. Follow-up


This is the phase when your leads become your customers and actually purchase your product. Leads will deliberate before deciding to buy your product, so it's important to guide them correctly so they land at the right decision. You need to provide them with relevant offers and explain your services properly to encourage them to buy your product. Pushing an engagement level lead to purchase level requires a meticulous plan and proper interaction.

Here's how you can work on converting your leads to your customers:
  • Once you have leads in the engagement level, create a promotion campaign that provides pricing information, product information and more. Provide a comparative analysis with your competitor's product to highlight why yours is better. Give them a registration form to register for a free demo. You can also provide them with your contact information for further proceedings.

  • Send this campaign to the engagement level leads.

  • Once you receive a registration or a call, it's implied that the lead may convert . Get your sales team to close the deal.

  • Once your leads have brought the product you can update the product lead level field of the buyers to "Purchase". Click here to learn how to mass update a field.


At this level, you get to show your after-purchase service and insure the loyalty of your customers. Sending follow up emails, housing subscription renewal link, feedback forms links, or ebooks and newsletters can all help in maintaining a good rapport with your customers. You can deploy your team to contact those who have purchased your product for support and relationship maintenance.The customers will be on the lookout for constant product support, and will try to make the most of their purchase. Your support will help them decide to continue doing business with you. If they're satisfied, they may buy your other products and recommend your services to others. 
  • Here's how you can cater to your customers:

    • Segment out leads who are in the purchase level. Click here to learn how to segment leads.

    • Create a follow-up campaign.

    • Send the campaign to segmented purchase leads.

    • Create an activity-based workflow and associate this campaign with it. Set up the constraint as follows: If a lead opens this email, update the product lead level field to follow-up. Click here to learn how to create an activity-based workflow.

    • Segment the follow-up lead level contacts and pursue them with follow up emails and activities to retain them.

Customizing customer levels:

You can also create your own customer levels and group customers under them. 

 Adding a customer level:

Follow the steps given below to add a new lead level:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Click Add customer level.

  4. Fill in the following details:

  • Name: Give a name to the customer level

  • Description: Write about the level you are adding.

      5. Click Add

Add customer level

You can add a maximum of 5 Customer levels

Editing a customer level

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Hover over the customer level you would like to delete and click Edit.

  4. Make the changes.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting a customer level

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click Manage product levels.

  3. Hover over the customer level you would like to delete and click Delete.

  4. Select a customer level you want the existing leads to be moved to.

  5. Click Delete.

Product lead level Movement

To move leads to different lead levels:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product that you would like to make a lead level movement for.

  4. Click Manage and select Product leads.

  5. Select the leads you want to move to a different level.

  6. Select Lead level movement.

  7. Select the lead Level to be moved to.

  8. Select Move.     

 Lead level movement

Moving leads to different level  

Product customer level Movement

To move customers to different customer levels:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, select Leads and choose Products.

  2. Click View all products.

  3. Select the product that you would like to make a lead level movement for.

  4. Click Manage and select Product customers.

  5. Select the customers you want to move to a different level.

  6. Select customer level movement.

  7. Select the Level to be moved to.

  8. Select Move

Customer level movement      

Customer level movement

Learn how to add products and manage them.
Add product related custom data fields and store additional information about your services.
Get insights on your product's performance and compare different products for better strategizing
Learn about product promotions
Learn about product cross promotions

For further assistance, contact us at support@zohomarketinghub.com
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