Understanding ticket accessibility

Understanding ticket accessibility

Knowing which tickets can be accessed by which user and based on what permission is important when you set out to receive tickets in your Zoho Desk. For example, you may allow seeing only own agent's tickets, but see all unassigned; allow editing only own records, etc. This article explains the visibility of tickets based on two specific permissions concerning data sharing rules and agent permission. Nevertheless, Zoho Desk administrators will have access to all records, regardless of any settings.

Data Sharing Rules
By default, access rights to Zoho Desk tickets are set as public so that all agents can oversee the ticket data. However, using data sharing rules, you can curtail the access rights of agents by setting the permission as private. When configured as private, only the ticket owner and his/her manager can oversee the ticket data. Let's look into little more detail of how this permission behaves when it involves just agents, agents in a team, and only teams.

 Ticket Assignment Type
 Ticket Visibility
 Visible to all agents
 Determined by role hierarchy, e.g., users at a lower hierarchy (Supervisor)  cannot access tickets of users at a higher hierarchy (Manager)
 Visible only to team members 
 Agent in a team
 Visible only to team members and is determined by role hierarchy

Agent Permission
You can configure your Zoho Desk agents to either access all tickets in their department or only those owned and unassigned. The former being straightforward, let's look at how the latter (i.e., agents who can access tickets owned and unassigned) behaves when it involves just agents, agents in a team, and only teams.

 Ticket Assignment Type
 Ticket Visibility
 - Visible -
 - Visible -
 Other agents
 - Not accessible -
 Unassigned in own team
 - Visible -
 Self-assigned in own team
 - Visible -
 Others agents in own team
 - Not accessible -
 Unassigned in other teams
 - Not accessible -

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