Understanding web assistant dashboard for websites

Understanding web assistant dashboard for websites

Once you embed the tracking code in your webpages and your webpages start receiving visits, you can view the overall report in the Web assistant dashboard. You can set the time period that you want to view the overall report for.

The following are the insights you will gain from the Web assistant dashboard:
These data will be specific to the selected time period


Here you will be able to view the following:

  • Total visits - Total number of visits that were made.
  • New visitors - Number of visitors visiting your webpages for the first time.
  • Returning visitors - Number of visitors visiting your webpages who had already visited.
  • Known visits - Number of visits made by visitors who are your leads (i.e., visitors whose email address is added with your Zoho MarketingHub account).
  • Anonymous visits - Number of visits made by visitors who are not your leads (i.e., visitors whose email address is not added with your Zoho MarketingHub account).

Report summary


Here, you will be able to view the number of known and anonymous visitors who have achieved your set goals and those who have missed your goals.


Here you will be able to view the number of known and anonymous visitors who have made the events occur.

Time-based report

Here, you will be able to see the overall visits and clicks over time.

Abandoned stats

Under this section you will be able to view the total purchase abandonment and the number recovered.

Smart popups

Here, you will be able to view the number of visitors who viewed the smart popups, visitors who submitted the form and visitors who closed the form without responding.

Smart popup report

Source of visit

Under this section, you will be able to view a bar chart showing the sources of visitors landing on your website. You can switch to a grid view by toggling the button in the top-right corner of the section. In the grid view, you will be able to view the percentage of visits every source contributed.

Source of visits report

Top performing pages

Pages with the top five visits will be listed under this section.

Top performing pages

Top performing countries

Under this section, you will be able to view the top five countries with respect to visits.

Top performing countries

Top performing goals

Under this section, top five goals with respect to the number of achievers will be listed.

Top performing goals

Top performing events

Under this section, top five events with respect to the number of times they occurred will be listed.

Top performing events

User agents

Here, you will be able to view the devices and browsers your visitors used to access your website.

Location-based stats

This section will give you insights about the countries from where there have been visits and clicks in a geo map.

Location-based stats

Next steps 
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