Use cases related to Zoho CRM sync

Use cases related to Zoho CRM sync

To stay compliant with GDPR, you need to keep certain key points in mind while you sync your Zoho CRM contacts/leads with Zoho Campaigns. In both the applications, the purpose and the lawful basis of processing data might be different.

Before you sync your contacts/leads with Zoho Campaigns, we'll compare both applications in the context of sending emails:

  • In Zoho CRM, processing the data of contacts/leads is sending sales related emails
  • In Zoho Campaigns, processing the data of contacts/leads is sending marketing/promotional emails

While you use both services to process the data of your contacts/leads, the lawful basis of processing the data might vary depending on the case. In this article, we'll walk you through some use cases that you might encounter while syncing your contacts/leads with Zoho Campaigns.


In Zoho CRM

The lawful basis on which you process the data of your contacts/leads falls under one of the following:
  • Legitimate Interest
  • Contract
  • Public Task
  • Vital Interest
  • Legal Obligation
In Zoho Campaigns

The lawful basis on which you would like to process the data of your synced contacts/leads falls under one of the following:
  • Legitimate Interest
  • Contract
  • Public Task
  • Vital Interest
  • Legal Obligation

Steps to follow in Zoho Campaigns while syncing your contacts/leads:

Mention the purpose and processing basis - Under Manage Consent, mention the purpose of processing the data and set the data processing basis as either Legitimate Interest, Contract, Public Task, Vital Interest, or Legal Obligation.

Select the mailing lists and sync the contacts - Select the mailing list for the defined purpose and sync your contacts/leads to it.

  • If you do not want to sync your contacts to existing mailing lists, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing the data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.
  • If you want to sync your contacts to a new mailing list, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing the data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.


In Zoho CRM

The lawful basis on which you process the data of your contacts/leads is Consent.

In Zoho Campaigns

The lawful basis on which you would like to process the data of your synced contacts/leads falls under:

  • Legitimate Interest
  • Contract
  • Public Task
  • Vital Interest
  • Legal Obligation

Steps to follow in Zoho Campaigns while syncing your contacts/leads:

Mention the purpose and processing basis - Under Manage Consent, mention the purpose of processing the data and set the data processing basis as either Legitimate Interest, Contract, Public Task, Vital Interest, or Legal Obligation.

Select the mailing lists and sync the contacts - Select a mailing list, for the defined purpose, then sync your contacts/leads into it.

  • If you do not want to sync your contacts to existing mailing lists, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.


In Zoho CRM

The lawful basis on which you process the data of your contacts/leads falls under:
  • Legitimate Interest
  • Contract
  • Public Task
  • Vital Interest
  • Legal Obligation
In Zoho Campaigns

The lawful basis on which you would like to process the data of your synced contacts/leads is Consent.

Steps to follow in Zoho Campaigns while syncing your contacts/leads:

Mention the purpose and processing basis - Under Manage Consent, mention the purpose of processing the data and set the data processing basis as Consent.

Select the mailing lists and sync the contacts - Select a mailing list for your purposeand sync your contacts/leads to it. While syncing, you need to select the Update as Consent Required radio button in sync settings.

  • If you do not want to sync your contacts to existing mailing lists, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing the data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.
  • You have to get consent from your contacts by sending them a consent email. Only then you can send them marketing/promotional emails.


In Zoho CRM

The data processing basis for your contacts/leads is Consent. You have obtained consent from your contacts, for both your purposes of sending emails regarding sales and marketing.

In Zoho Campaigns

The lawful basis on which you would like to process the data of your synced contacts/leads is Consent. You want to use the consent obtained in Zoho CRM for one of your purposes, i.e. for sending marketing/promotional emails.

Steps to follow in Zoho Campaigns while syncing your contacts/leads:

Mention the purpose and processing basis - Under Manage Consent, mention the purpose of processing the data and set the data processing basis as Consent.

Select the mailing lists and sync the contacts - Select a mailing list for the mentioned purpose and sync your contacts/leads to it. While syncing, you need to select the Update as Consent Expressed radio button in the sync settings.

  • If you do not want to sync your contacts to existing mailing lists, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing the data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.
  • When you initiate the sync, consent status of those contacts/leads will be updated from whom you have obtained consent in CRM.


In Zoho CRM

The lawful basis on which you process the data of your contacts/leads is Consent. You have obtained consent from your contacts for the purpose of sending only sales related emails.

In Zoho Campaigns

The lawful basis on which you would like to process the data of your synced contacts/leads is Consent. You want to explicitly obtain consent from your contacts for your purpose of sending marketing/promotional emails.

Steps to follow in Zoho Campaigns while syncing your contacts/leads:

Mention the purpose and processing basis - Under Manage Consent, mention the purpose of processing the data and set the data processing basis as Consent.

Select the mailing lists and sync the contacts - Select a mailing list for the mentioned purpose and sync your contacts/leads to it. While syncing, you need to select the Update as Consent Required radio button in the final step.

  • If you do not want to sync your contacts to existing mailing lists, you can create a new mailing list for them. Ensure that you have mentioned the purpose of processing the data, as well as the processing basis for that list, then sync the contacts to that list.
  • You have to get consent from your contacts by sending them a consent email. Only then you can send them marketing/promotional emails.
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