Using Custom Fields in Zoho Connect's boards

Using Custom Fields in Zoho Connect's boards

What are custom fields?

Custom fields are additional metadata for a task, besides the default fields like Name, Description, Priority, etc. They can be created to suit the type of information required on the task for a specific project. These fields can be created only within a Zoho Connect board.

Creating custom fields can only be done if you are subscribed to Connect's enterprise plan. Each board can have a maximum of 20 custom fields.

Who can create custom fields?

The admin of the board can create new custom fields for the specific board. 

What are the different types of fields available?

  1. Text: Lets you create a  simple text-box to get additional input from the user. 
  2. Number: This field is very useful when you need to track the costing, or deal values, etc. You can also add a specific unit like currency as a suffix or a prefix.
  3. Dropdown: Provide options that users can select from. If you have different stages that your task goes through, this dropdown can be used to track a task's phase. You can add upto 50 options to this type of field.
  4. Multi-select dropdown: Allow users to select more than one relevant option for this field. In case your design team is working on multiple deliverables at the same time, they can be listed as options in the multi-select dropdown. You can add upto 50 options to this type of field.
  5. Date & Time: This field has date picker from which users can select the date and time.
  6. Date: Adds a date picker field to the tasks in your board.
  7. File: Allow users to attach reference material or any other important document through this field.

How to create a new custom field?

The admin of the board can create custom fields by going to the board settings page.
  1. Navigate to the specific board.
  2. Click the menu with the three dots (ellipses) in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Settings from the dropdown.
  4. Click Custom Fields in the Settings pop-out.
  5. Click Create Custom Field.
  6. Select the type of field you'd like to create.

  1. Fill in the details. A preview of the field appears at the bottom of the pop-out.
  2. Click Add Custom Field.

Set a field as mandatory
Mark a custom field as mandatory by using the check box at the bottom-right of the custom field pop-out. Mandatory fields are indicated with a red asterisk (*). Users cannot proceed with creating a new task unless the mandatory fields are filled.

Help Text
Provide additional information or examples/use-cases for the field through the help text option. This will enable users understand and fill in the details of the field accurately.

Set a character limit for your custom field
Use the character limit option while creating a new field to specify the maximum characters users can enter in the field. Admins can set the limit for the Text, Number, and File fields. The limits set by the admin should be within the maximum limit allowed in Zoho Connect. If no limit is mentioned, the default limits will be automatically applied to the field. 

Character limitations for custom fields

 Maximum limit
50 characters
50 characters
Unit (Number field)
15 characters
Dropdown (single and multi-select)
50 options
Character limit for each option
50 characters
Text (field)
2000 characters
20 characters
10 MB

What happens once you create custom fields?

The custom fields added appear in all tasks in the board—both—the newly-created ones and the existing ones.

How to edit the custom field?

  1. Navigate to the specific board.
  2. Click the menu with the three dots (ellipses) in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Settings from the dropdown.
  4. Click Custom Fields in the Settings pop-out.

  1. Click the edit button (pencil icon) in the right.
  2. Once you've made the changes, click Update.

How to delete custom fields?

  1. Navigate to the specific board.
  2. Click the menu with the three dots (ellipses) in the top-right corner of the page.
  3. Select Settings from the dropdown.
  4. Click Custom Fields in the Settings pop-out.
  5. Click the delete button in the right.
  1. Once you confirm, the custom field gets deleted from all tasks in the board. The values associated with the custom fields are also removed and they cannot be recovered.

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