View events in calendar

View events in calendar

You can filter calendar views based on Tasks, Milestones, Bugs or Events for any time period. In addition, you can also delete the created project events.

View all Project Activities

To view all the project activities like the task, milestone, bugs, and events in your project. Just select the project and click Calendar. Select   in the upper right corner and select the required field from Type and click Find to filter.

To view all the project activities assigned to you, then you can view it in the Home.

  1. Click Home and scroll down to My Calendar section.
  2. Select View More to access the calendar.
  3. Click  and select the data to filter your details. Choose the Project, select the Type and Assignee.
  4. Click Find to fetch the filter details.

  • If you drag the calendar bar to set a new Start Date, the bar resizes its width for the task duration based on Business Hour settings.
  • For example, if a task with a duration of 2 days starting on September 20 (Friday), 2013 and ending on September 23 (Monday), 2013, is dragged to start on September 24 (Tuesday), the calendar bar is resized from September 24th to 25th. And all weekends and holidays are displayed with a gray background.

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