Viewing File info

Viewing File info

In this section, you can view a specific document's comments, version history, a timeline of changes made, and access stats.
  • Go to the files app in the network or a specific group.
  • For network level files, simply click Files in the left menu.
  • For group files, go to the Group and click the Feeds dropdown menu at the top, next to the group name.
  • Click Files.
  • In the list, select the preferred file.
  • Click the Show Info button that appears in the bottom-right corner once the file is selected.

Comments: View and post comments on the file.
Document Revisions: Gives you the version history of the document and lets you download previous versions.
Timeline: Gives you details on activities related to the file like who uploaded it, and who edited it.
Access Stats: Shows you the graph of how may times the file was accessed during a specific time period.

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