Viewing Lead Insights

Viewing Lead Insights

Lead Insights provide you with a variety of reports and charts to view lead information associated with your account. You can see the lead growth over time, lead generation sources, tags assigned to your leads, scores allotted, and any goals achieved. 

To view lead insights for your account:

  1. From the Navigation toolbar, choose Qualification and click Lead Insights.
  2. View various insights such as :
  • Lead source stats
  • Lead count based on source
  • Lead source comparison for the last two months
  • Lead stages
  • Lead tags
  • Lead tag distribution based on country
  • Goals achieved for the current month
  • Lead stage distribution based on source
  • Field based report
  • Lead distribution based on country

Lead source stats

These are statistics for all of the various lead sources. You can view the number of leads generated through any given source up to the last 90 days. 

Lead count based on source

This table highlights the number of leads that have been added to your lists over a year from specific sources. Here, you can view the list of lead sources, the number of leads from each source, a lead growth graph for that year and the average number of leads generated from a particular source in one year. The curve in the graph under Leads per Month shows the increase or decrease in the number of leads generated for one month. 

Lead source comparison for the last two months

This chart refers to the comparison of leads generated between the current month (until the present day) and its previous month. 

Lead stages 

This doughnut chart depicts the number of leads present in each lead stage. The chart is color-coded with each stage listed on the right. Hover over each section to view the number of leads in a particular stage. 

Lead tags

This bubble chart shows the various tags associated with leads, and is represented with a different color and size. The bigger the bubble, the more leads are tagged with it. Hover over a bubble to see how many leads that tag is associated with.

Lead tag distribution based on country

This bar graph depicts the number of leads with a particular tag based on different countries.

Goals achieved for the current month

This chart shows the number of web assistant goals your leads have achieved this month in accordance to its source. Select a goal on the right or hover your cursor over a goal on the chart to see how many leads have achieved it. 

Lead stage distribution based on source

This distribution chart displays the various sources, leads were generated from, in its respective lead stage. Hover your cursor over every distribution to view the number of leads in its specific stage generated from a source.

Field based report

This doughnut chart shows the number of leads with the value for specific fields such as Title, Job Title, Company Name, City, State, Zip Code, Country and all custom fields. You can view reports of custom field names you had created for specific leads.  

Lead distribution based on country

The map shows the various leads from different countries marked in blue. Hover over each country marked in blue to view the number of leads generated from it. Countries not marked in blue do not have any leads generated from it





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