Setting up your SalesIQ tracking dashboard
SalesIQ allows you filter the visitors visiting your site based on your preference and set your tracking board more refined and drill-downed than viewing everybody. You can use visitor tracking to prioritize the hot visitors among all the visitors that hit your site. For example, if you are working for a real-estate firm and you are assisting only the visitors from the Asia region, then you can customize your tracking view to prioritize and show only the visitors from the specific region.
Rings View
You can filter and prioritize visitors hitting the website in rings view based on the criteria you have set. Visitor details like name/random ID assigned to the visitor, time spent by the visitor on your website, country from which the visitor is accessing the website etc would be displayed in the small tiles for the visitors who are currently browsing through your website. You can also track a set of predefined actions performed by the visitors just by having a glance at your priority rings.