What are macros?

What are macros?

Macros are a feature that lets you execute a bunch of tasks for select records quickly.

Let's say you are required to call up a fresh set of leads every day. Once you are done with the call, you need to send them a standard email and update the lead status to "Contacted". And after that, you assign the leads to your colleague so he can take things further. Now you have 3 things to do in the CRM,

  • send mail
  • update field
  • create task
Instead of doing the same thing for every lead, you can create a "macro" for these 3 tasks. Then you can simply select the records and run macro. So all these changes would be applied to the selected records, thus saving you a lot of time and efforts.

Macros can be created for leads, contacts and potentials. In each macro, you can have 1 email3 tasks, and 3 field updates. To create a macro
 for Leads:
  1. Click the Leads module
  2. In the Leads Home page, click Run Macro > New Macro.

  3. In the Create Macro page, provide a Name and Description for the macro.
  4. Choose an Email template under Send Email.
  5. Under Update Field, choose which field must be updated and what it should be changed to. 

  6. Under Create Task, fill in the details required and click Add.

  7. Once you have provided all the details, click Create.
To run a macro for a bunch of leads
  1. Click the Leads module.
  2. Select the leads for which you would like to run the macro.
  3. Click Run Macro and select the macro that you want to use.

  4. Review the actions specified. If everything looks good, click Run.

The tasks specified in the macro will be applied to the bunch of selected leads. Note that macros would have to be run manually. You cannot automate execution of macros.

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Using Macros

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