What happens to the data once the trial period ends?

What happens to the data once the trial period ends?

Once your trial is over, you will be automatically moved to the free plan. The free plan lets you:

  • Add up to 25 users to your network.

  • Create 3 groups.

  • Create 3 custom apps.

  • Create 3 boards.

  • Create 3 manuals.

  • Configure 10 integrations.

  • Create any number of channels, events, and forum posts.


What happens to the additional data?

Once you're moved to the free plan, the additional groups, boards, and manuals that you've created will be archived. For example, if you've created 5 groups, the last 3 groups you created will remain as such, and the first two groups that you had created will be archived. You can archive any of your existing groups, and then un-archive any of the previous groups if you need them. Please note that the number of active groups in your network cannot exceed three in the free plan. The same applies for boards, manuals, and custom apps. 

As for the integrations, the last 10 integrations will remain as such and the ones created earlier will be disabled. You can disable any of your existing integrations and then activate disabled integrations. Please note that the total number of integrations in your network cannot exceed 10.


How can you increase the data limit?

To use Zoho Connect without any limitations, you can subscribe to our enterprise plan. To learn more about our enterprise plan, click here.

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