What if a record meets more that one rule entry in an approval process?
What if a record meets more that one rule entry in an approval process?
If a record meets more than one rule entry, it will be submitted for approval based on the first rule entry that it matches in the given approval process.
Introduction As a recruiter, you may encounter several instances in your organization’s hiring process where certain actions need the approval of one or more senior decision-makers. For instance, recruiters may need the hiring manager’s approval for ...
When you specify multiple rule criteria for an approval process, the rules are executed in a certain pattern, one after the other. This is represented by AND/OR. As you specify criteria, there is a default pattern created for the rules. But this can ...
If you have modified the rule criteria for a process, the records that match the rule before modification will still be submitted and waiting for approval. Approvers selected in this process will be able to approve them. Records created after ...