What rights will data subjects have under GDPR in Zoho CRM?

What rights will data subjects have under GDPR in Zoho CRM?

Data subjects will have five out of eight fundamental rights under GDPR in Zoho CRM:

  • The Right To Access-  Customers have the right to know exactly what information is held about them and how it is processed. (GDPR Article 15).
  • The Right to Rectify- Individuals/customers have the right to get their personal data rectified, in case it is inaccurate or incomplete.
  • The Right to Portability- Customer-specific information can be exported, attached to an email, and sent to customers in a machine readable format (CSV), without being downloaded onto your device. (Article 20).
  • The Right to Restrict Processing- Individuals have the right to limit the purposes for which the controller can process their data (Article 18).
  • The Right to Erasure- Also known as "The Right to be Forgotten," individuals have the right to have their personal data deleted or removed whenever they want.
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