What should marketers do to stay GDPR compliant?

What should marketers do to stay GDPR compliant?

Here's what marketers are recommended to do to stay GDPR compliant.
  • Maintain filtered mailing lists
  • Obtain clear and explicit permission
  • Maintain plain and simple language while seeking consent
  • Allow users to view their information in a readable format
  • Let users conveniently export their data
  • Allow for rectification of users' data
  • Conduct periodic reviews to verify the veracity of the data
  • Avoiding misleading email headers
  • Promptly honor opt-out requests
  • Only collect necessary and relevant data
  • Preserve data in an encrypted format
  • Don't hold unprocessed subscriber data
  • Erase consented subscriber data if unused for more than 6 months (with consent)

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