What will happen if my API limit has been exceeded for the day?

What will happen if my API limit has been exceeded for the day?

If your API limit has been exceeded for the day, Zoho CRM will not respond to the API calls for the rest of the day. You need to wait till the API limit is reset for the next day. API limits are reset everyday between 12 am and 3 am PST.

If the present API limit does not meet your business requirement, you can increase the API limit/day. To know more about the pricing details to increase the API call limits, please send an email to support@zohocrm.com.

To optimize your API usage, get a maximum of 200 records with each request and insert, update or delete a maximum of 100 records with each request.

Note: In all the Zoho CRM Editions, the getSearchRecords & getCVRecords methods have a standard limit of 250 API calls/day.
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