Who sees the status updates/feeds that I post?
- When you post a status update on your organization’s wall, all users in your organization will be able to see it.
- You can mention an individual, a group, or roles in a status update. To mention a group, simply type “@” followed by the group’s name, or select the group from the dropdown list.
- In case of mentions, users will receive an email notification besides a CRM notification.
- When you mention a person or a group in a status update from the Organization’s Wall, anybody can see the update.
- But when you post a status update on a Group’s Wall, only members of the group can see it.
Direct Messages:You can send a direct message to an individual by mentioning the user and selecting the Send as Direct Message option. The recipient will receive a notification in Zoho CRM as well as via Email. No one else can see this message except the recipient and you.You can send a direct message to a group from the Organization’s Wall by mentioning the group and selecting the Send as Direct Message option. In this case, the message will be posted to the Group’s wall. This is pretty much like going to a Group’s wall and posting an update. Only members of the group can see it and receive notifications about it.
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Whom can I mention in my status updates, feeds and comments?
You can mention users, roles and groups in your status updates, feeds and comments.
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