Work item linking

Work item linking

Link work items with similar sets of goals using the default or custom link types. Linking work items in Zoho Sprints comes in six default formats. You can use these link types or create new link types based on your business goals.  
Plans: Professional

Default link types

Zoho Sprints offers six default link types: 
  1. Duplicates: An item may duplicate another 
  2. Reference to: An item is a reference to another 
  3. Impacts:  An item impacts another 
  4. Relates to: An item is related to another 
  5. Depends on: An item is dependent on another 
  6. Has bug: A bug is associated to a task (Only bugs can be linked to this link type)
These link types are defined using a link name and a back link name. Before creating a link type, let's see what is a link name and a back link name. 
What is a link name?
A link name is the action that you give to your link type.  For example, if you have a work item A that depends on item B, then you have to create a link name 'Depends On'. Now, link Item A to Item B with 'Depends On' as the link type. This means Item B is dependent on Item A. 

What is a back link name?
A back link name is the reverse name that you define to your link name. For example, in the above case, Item A depends on Item B. This means Item B "is dependent on" Item A. The reverse action that is done using the link name is defined as the back link name.
  1. Link Name: Has Bug
  2. Back Link Name: Is bug of 
For example: Helen creates an item A 'Test sign up form' and she has relevant items like

Item B - 'Email address field not working',
Item C - 'Phone number field supports characters. Fix the issue,
Item D - 'Team name should not contain symbols'.

Now, the main Item A (Test sign up form) is under the testing phase. It has been filed with relevant bugs. Now, these bugs (Item A, Item B, Item C, Item D) are bugs of Item A. 

How can these work items be linked?

Items A, B, C, D are all related to the sign-up screen. Here, Item A is the main work item so Helen can create the link type 'Has Bug', and select all the relevant items (Item B, Item C, and Item D). These linked work items are automatically added to the back link name 'is bug of' Item A. 

Create new link type

  1. Navigate to    in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click Link Work Items under  Manage Work Items.
  3. Click + Link Type.
  4. Enter the Link Name and Back Link Name.
  5. Click Create
You can add a maximum of up to 36 link types including the default link types.

Edit link type

  1. Navigate to   in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click Link Work Items under Manage Work Items.
  3. Select the required link type.
  4. Click   next to the link type.
  5. Modify and click Update

Note: You cannot edit the default link types and back link names.

Delete link type

  1. Navigate to   in the upper-right corner.
  2. Click  Link Work Items under  Manage Work Items.
  3. Select the required link type.
  4. Click   next to the link type.
  5. Click Yes, delete in the pop-up.
  1. You cannot delete the default link types and the back link names. 
  2. Deleting a link type will only delete the linking between the items. The work items will not be deleted.  

Link work items   

Now that you have a list of link types you can start linking relevant work items.
  1.  Navigate to the work item details page.
  2. Select Link Items.
  3. Choose the Project and Sprint Name
  4. Click Link Item and select the relevant work items. 
  5. Choose the Link Type: Select the Link Name or the Back Link Name.
  6. Click Link.   
  1. You can add only 10 link types to a work items. 
  2. You can link only up to five levels of links for a work item. 

  1. Alternatively, you can also click the Link Item   icon   at the bottom of the work item name to directly navigate to the  Link Work Items section in your work item details page. 
  1. Note: Links cannot be circular.
  1. Item A depends on Item B, and Item B depends on Item C , you cannot create a link type 'Depends on' for Item C with Item A.  

Add comments to duplicate items

You can also add comments to your duplicate items directly from the comments section. Type your content in the comments section and click Add to Duplicate Item. The comment is automatically added to your duplicate item as well. 

Edit link type    

You can edit the link type of a work item directly from the work item details page. 
  1. Navigate to the work item details page.
  2. Choose the linked work item for which you want to modify the link type. 
  3. Click    next to the work item. 
  4. Modify the link type.
  5. Click Update.

Delink work items

If you want to remove the linking between two work items, you can do so using the delink option. 
  1. Navigate to the work item details page. 
  2. Click Link Work Items.
  3. Choose the work item that you want to delink. 
  4. Select   next to the edit icon. 
  5. Click Yes, delink  in the pop-up. 
NoteWork items will only be delinked and not deleted. If you would like to link it back, you can do so. 

Behavior of 'Depends on' link type  

If you have set "Dependency" as your link type to the work items, you can either move the main item or its dependent items to a closed status. We don't restrict users to reopen or close the dependent items before reopening or closing the main work item to a closed status. You can also modify the status of the dependent work items. 
  1. While updating the status of the work items with dependents, you can either move the main item or its dependents. For example, if you move the main item to a closed status, you can close all its dependents directly from the pop-up.  

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