What is a link name?
A link name is the action that you give to your link type. For example, if you have a work item A that depends on item B, then you have to create a link name 'Depends On'. Now, link Item A to Item B with 'Depends On' as the link type. This means Item B is dependent on Item A.
What is a back link name?
A back link name is the reverse name that you define to your link name. For example, in the above case, Item A depends on Item B. This means Item B "is dependent on" Item A. The reverse action that is done using the link name is defined as the back link name.
- Link Name: Has Bug
- Back Link Name: Is bug of
For example: Helen creates an item A 'Test sign up form' and she has relevant items like
Item B - 'Email address field not working',
Item C - 'Phone number field supports characters. Fix the issue,
Item D - 'Team name should not contain symbols'.
Now, the main Item A (Test sign up form) is under the testing phase. It has been filed with relevant bugs. Now, these bugs (Item A, Item B, Item C, Item D) are bugs of Item A.
How can these work items be linked?
Items A, B, C, D are all related to the sign-up screen. Here, Item A is the main work item so Helen can create the link type 'Has Bug', and select all the relevant items (Item B, Item C, and Item D). These linked work items are automatically added to the back link name 'is bug of' Item A.