Work item reminders

Work item reminders

Are you finding it difficult to manage a whole set of work items? Set reminders and and get notified even before the work item starts or is nearing the end date. These reminders will be triggered based on the reminder type, frequency, and occurrences that you set. Once the reminders are set, we will send an email notification. 
Available Plans: Professional plan 

Access privileges: Admin, Manager, Member, Creator 

Default privileges
  1. Admin can add reminders to all the work items across projects. However, they cannot view, edit, or delete reminders created by other users. 
  1. Managers can only add reminders to all the assigned work items in the projects and sprints. They cannot view, edit, or delete the reminders created by other users.
  1. Members can add reminders only to the work items assigned to them and they can edit or delete only those reminders. If the members are removed from the work item, they cannot create new reminders. However, they can edit and delete reminders that are already created. 
  1. Creator is the person who creates the work item. The creator (admin, manager, or member) can add reminders to their work items, irrespective of the role.  
  1. Admin, managers, and members can create reminders for all the unassigned work items. 
Zoho Sprints helps define your reminder settings by choosing its type, frequency, and occurrences. Learn how to create work items. Here are the different types of reminders that you can set for your work items:  

Types of reminders

Remind On

If you wish to send a reminder on a particular date and time, you can choose the Remind On type. Choose the Date of the reminder, Time, set Frequency (hours, days, and weeks), and choose the Occurrences
For example, Helen plans to create a reminder for her upcoming work item in a sprint. She chooses Remind On as the reminder type, and specifies an upcoming Date and Time . She wants to receive three reminder emails every four hours. How can she choose the required fields? 

  1. Reminder Type: Remind On
  2. Date: 04/20/2019
  3. Time:  10:00AM
  4. Frequency: 4 Hours
  5. Occurrences: 3
Helen will receive an email on 04/20/2019 at 10:00 AM for every four hours. And the email will be triggered three times on that particular day. 

Remind Daily  

Based on the priority of the work item, you can also set reminders on a daily basis. Choose the Remind Daily as the reminder type to receive a daily reminder for the work item.  

A few pointers to note while you set 'Remind Daily' as the reminder type:
  1. You can only set this reminder for the work items with a start and end date.
  1. You cannot edit this reminder after it is created. 
  1. Reminder emails will be sent based on the team's work hour settings.

Remind before start date 

If you want to be notified even before the work item starts, you can create the Remind before - Start Date as your reminder type. It is only enabled for the work items with a start and end date.  
  1. You can edit the reminder before it's completed.
  1. The last occurrence of the reminder should ideally fall before the work item's start date.  
  1. The reminder will be deleted if the modified start date falls at an earlier date.  
For example, Becky is assigned to a work item with the start and end date as 04/01/2019 (MM/DD/YYYY) and 04/05/2019 (MM/DD/YYYY). She has a total of five days to complete the work item. Now, she wants to set a reminder before the start date. She creates a reminder two days before the start date for two hours. And, she wants the email to be triggered three times.

  1. Type:  Remind Before (2 Days) - Start Date
  2. Frequency:  2 Hours
  3. Occurrences:  3
Becky will receive an email on 03/30/2019 (two days before the start date) for every two hours. The reminder will be triggered three times. 

Remind before end date

You can create a reminder before the end date of the work item. This reminder type can be set for the work items with a start and end date.  
If Becky wants to create a reminder before the end date of the work item, she has to set the frequency and occurrences within the end date of the work item. 

Remind after start date

You can also set reminder after the start date of the work item. It is enabled only for the work items with a start and end date. You can create this reminder before the end date of the work item.  
For example, John is assigned to a work item with the start and end dates as 04/10/2019 (MM/DD/YYYY) and 04/15/2019 (MM/DD/YYYY). He has a total of five days to complete the work item. Now, he wants an email notification after the start date of the work item. He wants to set a reminder one day after the start date for every three hours. The email should be triggered two times. 


  1. Type: Remind After (1 Day) - Start Date
  2. Frequency: 3 Hours
  3. Occurrences: 
John will receive an email on 04/11/2019 (one day after the start date) for every three hours. And the reminder will be triggered two times. 

Remind after end date

If you would like to receive a reminder after the end date of the work item, you can create the Remind After as the reminder type. It is enabled for work items with the start and end date. This works the same as Remind after start date. 
The occurrences that you set must fall within two years in the date range.   

Add reminder

  1. Select the work item to add a reminder.
  2. Choose  from the right panel. 
  3. Choose the  Reminder Type.
  4. Set a Date and Time.
  5. Select the Frequency and No. of Occurrences.
  6. Click Add.   

  1. Only the creator and the assignees of the work item can add reminders. 
  2. You cannot add reminders for closed work items.
  3. You cannot add reminders for the work items in the project templates. 

Edit reminder

  1. Select the work item. 
  2. Choose the reminder icon from the right panel. 
  3. Select the Reminder Type that you want to modify.
  4. Click .
  5. Modify the changes and click Save

Delete reminder  

  1. Select the work item. 
  2. Choose  from the right panel. 
  3. Select the Reminder Type that you want to delete.
  4. Click 
  1. Only the user who creates the reminder will own permission to edit or delete the reminder. If the particular user is removed from the work item, they cannot add a new reminder. However, they can edit or delete the reminders that they created previously. 
  1. If the user is removed from the team, project, or sprint, then all the reminders created by that particular user will be deleted.
View completed and suspended reminders

You can view all the completed and suspended reminders in the Elapsed section next to the active reminders, as shown in the image below. When the occurrences of the reminders are completed they are moved to the Elapsed section. And, if the work item is moved to any of the closed status, these reminders will be suspended and moved to the Elapsed section as well.  

Common queries on reminders 

Can admin add reminders for all the work items?

Yes, admin has permission to add reminders for all the work item across the projects. They can also view, edit, or delete the reminders created by them. They cannot edit or delete the reminders set by other users.  

Who can add reminders for unassigned work items?

Admin, managers, and members can add reminders for unassigned work items. Reminders are user-specific. Only the person who creates the reminder will have permission to view, edit, or delete the reminder. Other users cannot view the reminders that you create.  

How are reminders displayed for work items with multiple assignees?

Reminders are user-specific. If there are multiple assignees to a work item, each user can only view the reminders that they have set.      

Can I set multiple reminders for a single work item?

Yes, you can set multiple reminders for a single work item. However, you cannot set more than one reminder type. 

What happens when I modify the start and end time of a work item after the reminder is created?

Modifying the start and end time of the work item will affect the existing reminders. The preset reminders will be automatically modified according to the new date and timings that you define.

What happens to the reminders when I move a work item to a closed status on my board?

If the work item is moved to a closed status all the pending reminders of that particular work item will be suspended. You can view all the suspended reminders in the Elapsed section next to the Active reminders.  

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