Work Order Setup

Work Order Setup

Request to Work Order Mapping

On choosing the Convert to Work Order transition in a Request, the Create Work Order page is displayed with field values pre-filled. Using the Request to Work Order Mapping setting, you can determine the Request field values that you want to pre-fill the fields in Create Work Order page with.

To establish this mapping:
  1. Navigate to Setup Customization Module Mapping and select the Request to Work Order tab and click Edit.
  2. From the Request drop-down, select the Request fields to map the corresponding value to under Work Order fields.
    You can delete an entry using the remove () icon or create a new entry using + New Line.
  3. Click Save

Request to Estimate Mapping

On choosing the Convert to Estimate transition in a Request, the Create Estimate page is displayed with field values pre-filled. Using the Request to Estimate Mapping setting, you can determine the Request field values that you want to pre-fill the fields in Create Estimate page with.

To establish this mapping:
  1. Navigate to Setup Customization Module Mapping and select the Request to Estimate tab and click Edit.
  2. From the Request drop-down, select the Request fields to map the corresponding value to under Estimate fields.
    You can delete an entry using the remove () icon or create a new entry using + New Line.
  3. Click Save.

Estimate to Work Order Mapping

On choosing the Convert to Work Order transition in an Estimate, the Create Work Order page is displayed with field values pre-filled. Using the Estimate to Work Order Mapping setting, you can determine the Estimate field values that you want to pre-fill the fields in Create Work Order page with.

To establish this mapping:
  1. Navigate to Setup Customization Module Mapping and select the Estimate to Work Order tab and click Edit.
  2. From the Estimate drop-down, select the Estimate fields to map the corresponding value to under Work Order fields.
    You can delete an entry using the remove () icon or create a new entry using + New Line.
  3. Click Save.

Work Order To Estimate

On clicking +Estimate for Follow Up Estimate in a Work Order, the Create Estimate page is displayed with field values pre-filled. Using the Work Order to Estimate Mapping setting, you can determine the Work Order field values that you want to pre-fill the fields in Create Estimate page with.

To establish this mapping:
  1. Navigate to Setup Customization Module Mapping and select the Work Order To Estimate tab and click Edit.
  2. From the Work Order drop-down, select the Work Order fields to map the corresponding value to under Estimate fields.
    You can delete an entry using the remove () icon or create a new entry using + New Line.
  3. Click Save.
    This mapping will be also used in the mobile app for creating follow up estimate from work order.

Follow-Up Work Order Mapping

On clicking +Work Order for Follow Up Work Orders in a Work Order, the Create Work Order page is displayed with field values pre-filled. Using the Follow up workorder Mapping setting, you can determine the Work Order field values that you want to pre-fill the fields in Create Work Order page with.

To establish this mapping:
  1. Navigate to Setup Customization Module Mapping and select the Follow up workorder tab and click Edit.
  2. From the Work Order drop-down, select the Work Order fields to map the corresponding value to under Follow Up Work Order fields.
    You can delete an entry using the remove () icon or create a new entry using +New Line.
  3. Click Save.
    This mapping will be also used in the mobile app for creating follow up work order from a work order.

Add Services and Parts

In a work order, service tasks and their affiliated skills and products need to be added. The reference data for all services and products is added in the Services And Parts module.

To add a service or part:
  1. Select the Services And Parts module and click the add [+] icon.
  2. Select Services or Parts from the dropdown.
  3. For the Part Service Category field, select a value.
    Refer the next section for details on how to customize the Part Service Category list.
  4. For the Work Type field, select a previously created work type or create a new work type.
    The work type added here will be used to link the skills and products in it to the Service being created. When a service task (with which a work type is linked) is added to a work order, the skills and products associated with the service automatically gets added to the work order.
    This field will be displayed only while adding a Service.
  5. Add any other necessary details and click Save.
You can customize the Part Service Category field in Services And Parts module to include new categories. To do so, follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Customization Modules and Fields and click Services And Parts module.
  2. Click Parts Services layout.
  3. Click more options  ] icon for Service and Part Category field and click Edit Properties.
  4. Add new values for Pick List Properties and click Done.
  5. Save the changes.

Add Assets

An Asset refers to a product instance that has been sold.

To add an asset:
  1. Select the Assets module and click the add [+] icon.
  2. Enter an Asset Name . Select the related Product and Company.
  3. Add any other necessary details and click Save.

Add Companies

A Company refers to an organization to whom you are providing the field services.

To add a company:
  1. Select the Companies module and click the add [+] icon.
  2. Enter the Company Name.
  3. Select a value for Company Tax.
    These values are configured in Zoho Books. Click here for details of Zoho Books-FSM integration.
  4. Select a value for Company Currency.
    These values are configured at Setup General Company Details Currencies.
  5. Add any other necessary details and click Save.

Add Customers

To add a customer:
  1. Select the Customers module and click the add [+] icon.
  2. Enter the Last Name.
  3. Click the Service Address or Billing Address field and click + Create New from the drop-down.
  4. In the Add Address overlay, enter the details and click Save.

  5. Add any other necessary customer details and click Save.
    Refer this page to know how Contacts can be fetched from Zoho CRM.

Adding Addresses

Along with being able to add a Service Address and a Billing Address while creating a customer record, addresses can additionally be added in the Customer View page.

To manage addresses from the Customer View page:
  1. Select the Customers module and click the customer record you want to add the addresses to.
  2. Adding addresses
    1. Click Add Address for an address category (Service/Billing).
    2. Enter the details and click Save.

  3. If an address has not been added to an address category, then you can choose an address from the existing addresses added to the customer or add a new address.

  4. You can additionally change the address of a category to any other address present for the customer or add a new address.

Using the Addresses

You can perform the following actions while adding an address, Service or Billing, to an operation like Request, Estimate, or Work Order:
  1. Choose another address : After adding an address in the Service/Billing address field, click the Choose another icon [  ]. In the Choose Address pop-up, select a Customer or Company address and click Select.

  2. Edit address : After adding an address in the Service/Billing address field, click the Edit icon [  ]. Make the necessary changes and click Save and Reflect (the customer address will be updated and the updated address will be added in the parent page) or Save (the customer address will be updated).

  3. Add address : After adding an address in the Service/Billing address field, click the Add icon [  ]. Enter the address details, select whether the address is of type Company or Contact and click Save.

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