Work Type Management

Work Type Management

Work Type is a template for the services in a work order. Use these templates to add the services to the work orders quickly and to avoid repetitive data entry. A work type will be used in the Services And Parts module to link the skills and parts to a service.

Create Work Types

 To create a work type:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Field Service Settings > Work Type and click New Work Type.
  2. Enter the following details, then click Save:
    1. A name in the Work Type Name field.
    2. An Estimated Duration of the work order along with a unit for measuring the duration. The unit could be in hours or minutes.
    3. Description of the work type.

  3. Click + New Line to add Skills required for the work type and click Save. Use  to delete the skill entries.
  4. Click + New Line to add Parts required for the work type and click Save. Use  to delete the part entries.

Editing Work Types

To edit work types:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Field Service Settings > Work Type.
  2. Select the name of the work type and click the Edit button. Modify the required details and click Save. Click + New Line to add additional Skills or Parts and click Save. Use  to delete the skill or parts entries.

Deactivate Work Types

When a work type is deactivated, it will no longer be associated with any Services in the Services And Parts module with which it previously was. To deactivate work types:
  1. Navigate to Setup > Field Service Settings > Work Type.
  2. Select the name of the work type and click the Deactivate button. 
  3. Click Proceed in the confirmation message.

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