Working with Deals

Working with Deals

In any sales organization, deals are the most important records to generate the real revenue for the organization. In a typical B2B organization all deals have to undergo a complete sales cycle, which starts with identifying the hot prospect and ends with prospects being won or lost. The activities within this sales cycle that has to be completed are; sending product information to deals, product demonstrations, sending sales quotations and business negotiations. Precisely, a deal provides the following information for the sales management:

  • Sales cycle
  • The deal sales volume (Product units and price)
  • The sales status and the estimated sales probability in each sales stage
  • Reasons for the sales status (Won/Lost)
  • Competitors of the deal
  • Forecast for the next quarter/year sales
  1. We had named our Potentials module as Deals earlier. Users who signed up for Zoho CRM before June 2016 would have it as Potentials. Now, we have it as Deals. So if it is Potentials module you can rename it as Deals or continue to call it Potentials in your Zoho CRM account.


Permission Required
Access to the Deals tab that includes View, Create, Edit, Share and Delete permissions.

Deals Home Page

Click the Deals tab to view the Deals Home page and perform the following operations:

  • The records are displayed in List Views. Define your own Custom Views as per your requirements. Some system defined list views are already available, such as My Deals, New This Week, Closing This Month, Unread Deals, etc.
  • Mass delete the records by selecting the check boxes corresponding to the records and clicking on the Delete button.
  • Use the More icon to perform some common operations to manage deals. For example: mass transfer, mass delete, export deals etc.
  • Search records by alphabetby information, or by criteria.
  • Filter deals based on sales priorities using the advanced filters.
  • Print the deals along with the necessary details.
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