Working with Reports

Working with Reports


Zoho Recruit reports are the detailed and informative list of records. Each report provides access to important data required for various purposes. In Zoho Recruit, standard reports are provided in various modules, which can be either used as it is or customized further as per your business requirements.
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Reports & Dashboard permissions can access this feature.
Zoho Recruit provides more than 40 different standard reports for the users' benefit. These reports are distributed across different modules in Zoho Recruit. You can use the standard reports or customize them as per your business requirements.

List of Some of the Standard Reports

Report Name
Department Reports
Departments by Industry
Departments from various industries.
Job Openings Reports
Open Job Openings
Job Openings that are pending.
Pipeline by Probability
Job Openings by their probability. 
Job Openings closed by this month
Job Openings that are closing by this month. 
Sales Person's Performance Report
Job Openings gained by each Sales Person. 
Lost Job Openings
Job Openings that are lost. 
Job Openings by type
Job Openings by their type. 
Sales by Candidate Source
Sales gained by various Candidate Sources. 
This month's closing
Sales happening this month. 
Today's closing
Sales that is happening today. 
Candidate Reports
Candidates By Source
Candidates from various sources.
Candidates By Status
Candidates and their status.
Today's Candidates
Candidates that are created today.
Candidates by Ownership
Candidates and the corresponding owners.
Candidates by Industry
Candidates from various vertical industries.
Interview Reports
Interview vs User
Users scheduled with an interview
Candidate Source vs Interview
Interviews and the source of its candidates. 
Campaign Reports
Campaigns Revenue Report
Revenue generated from the campaign.
Campaign Candidates
Candidates that are generated through the campaign.
To-dos Reports
Total number of scheduled tasks and events
Total Events and tasks. 
Today's calls
Calls happened today. 
Territory Reports (only if you enable territory management feature)
Overall Sales Cycle Duration among territories
 Overall Sales Cycle Duration among territories - summary
Performance by Sales Persons across territories
 Performance by Sales Persons across territories
Target achieved by Territories - Matrix
Target achieved by territories for this FY.
Revenue By Territories - Last 6 Months
 Revenue by territories for the past 6 months.
Revenue By Territories - Summary
 Summary of Revenue by territories for dashboard.
Revenue Channels among Territories
 Revenue Channels among Territories - Summary Report.
Sales Cycle Duration across Territories
 Time taken for the recruiters to close acorss various territories
Star performers across territories
 Sales persons who achieved their targets
Target Achieved among territories
 Target achieved among territories for this FY. These do not include sub territories targets.

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