Working with stages

Working with stages

What is a stage?

A stage tracks the progress of the release from one status to the other. Zoho Sprints provides three default stages: PLANONGOING , and  RELEASED. While creating a new release, by default you can select only the PLAN stage. 
PLAN:  All the releases that are in plan.
ONGOING:  All the releases that are in progress.
RELEASED:  All the releases that are already released. 
You can also create your own stage based on your business requirement.

Create new stage

  1. Click next to the existing stage name.
  2. Choose Add Before Stage or Add After Stage. (You can choose to add a new stage either before or after the existing stage.)
  3. Enter the Stage Name.
  4. Click the Tick icon to add the stage.
  1. You can enter a maximum of 25 characters to your stage name
  2. You can add up to 50 stages per project
  3. The first stage should always be in the 'Open' type and the last stage should always be in the 'Closed' type.

You should have at least one stage in 'To do', 'In Progress', and 'Done' statuses. This will help you to move the releases to a respective stage of same type when you are trying to delete a stage. 

Modify stage properties

You can modify your stage properties anytime.

Modify stage type

You can define your stage type: Open, In Progress, or Closed.  Click Other Actions  next to the stage name and choose Modify Stage Type. Select the required type to update the stage type.

Modify stage color

Identify your stage based on the colors. Click  Other Actions  next to the stage name and choose  Modify Stage Color. Pick a color to update the stage color.

Reorder stages

You can reorder the stages based on your preference. Click  Other Actions  next to the stage name and choose Reorder. Drag and drop the stage names or change the sequence number to reorder the stages.   Note: While reordering remember to maintain the first stage as 'Open' type and the last stage as 'Closed' type.

Delete stage

You can delete any stage if you don't want it on your release module. Click  Other Actions  next to the stage name and click  Delete Stage.  Note: Your release workflow should always have at least one stage in all the three types: Open, In Progress, and Closed. 

What if I have a two open type stages A and B and I try to delete a release in stage A? 

You have to move the release from Stage A to Stage B before you delete. Once you click Delete Stage, the system will show a pop-up that will ask you to choose another stage with the same type. You can choose a different stage and then delete your release.

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