Workspace Booking Page URL

Workspace Booking Page URL

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.

The Workspace Booking Page URL bundles together all services belonging to the selected workspace, and helps customers to view all available services on a single page. Customers can select an available service of their choice, and book an appointment with ease.
The last segment of the booking page URL can be customized, which is subject to the availability of the selected keyword.

To access this section, click the  icon in the top right corner, navigate to Workspaces > click the required workspace, then select Booking Page URL.

To customize the last segment of the URL, click Customize (seen in the above screenshot), enter the preferred text, then click Save

  1. To create a Booking Page URL with a domain you own, for example your business domain, refer to Custom Domain.
  2. In addition to Booking Page URL, you can also use Service Booking URL and Staff Booking URL, which allow booking for a particular service and a particular staff respectively. Click here to learn about the difference between various booking URLs. 
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