Workspace Services

Workspace Services

Super admins and admins can view and edit this information. Managers can only view this information. Staff members will not have access to this information.

The Services section under Workspaces lists all the services associated with the selected Workspace. 

To access this section, click the  icon in the top-right corner, navigate to Workspaces > click the required workspace > Services .
  1. To drag and drop the services into a preferred order, use the re-arrange icon. 

  2. The staff assigned to each service will be displayed corresponding to the service. You can view the staff name by clicking on the staff icon. 

  3. To edit the details of a particular service, click the edit icon for the required service. This will take you to the Service Information page where you can view and edit the service details. 

  4. To associate a new service with the workspace, click Add New Service. See this page to learn more about creating services.

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